Monday Housekeeping

Good morning all! I wanted to give you a heads up that I’m going to be trying out a new commenting system this week. I want to give Disqus a shot. I enjoy using it on other sites and it should bring more to Hopefully it goes without a hitch…or at least as few hitches as possible. Going with Disqus should add for better discussion, easier administration, improved reach, more social features, and more fun!

There are a number of ways you can log in with Disqus, but if you want to keep your existing username then I suggest staking your claim at the Disqus web site. Hopefully you won’t mind helping me test this out. If it goes well, it’ll be better for us all. If it doesn’t then I can always switch back to the old system.

I’ll be flipping the switch Monday evening (after wrestling, of course). I wanted to give you some time to get ready before we go full-on with the new system on Tuesday. Thanks in advance!

Author: RPadTV

41 thoughts on “Monday Housekeeping”

  1. I might be dumb but I am I the only one having a hard time trying to make a commenter profile?

      1. So that link brings me to the site moderator section and site registration. When I pick the link to the commenter profile it brings me back to the site registration section. Am I reading into this too much lol?

        Help me Rpad, your my only hope…

      2. Even if I click this like, it's taking me to the site registration page. When I click on the "create commenter account" link on that page, it takes me back to the homepage again.

      3. I got it for you Nightshade!

        The bottom half of the page is where we would register (that site is not user friendly) the light blue box "Primary moderator" is where you can test your user name.

        That's how I got it to work at least.

  2. Iceman is taken.

    Oh well, I guess it's time for a change, anyways.

    I'm going to try to get the name "A Judas Rimmer". I don't think it's taken yet.


  3. Wow Rpad I had a super case of the Mondays, I feel like an idiot it's all set now hahaha!

  4. N8R is taken.

    I'm on vacation and trying to do all this from my phone… This sucks.

    I'm probably going silent for the next week or so because of it.

  5. bsukenyan wasn't taken, until I took it. It seems I'm the only one so far who has gotten the exact username. Can anyone here do some hacking and *delete* the usernames in order to free them up for people here?? haha

    1. Well, can you get a hold of Lulzsec? I'll pay them $20 if they can free up my name.


  6. The new comment system is active! The old comments are syncing as a type. It'll take several hours, but everything should be intact. Let's see how it goes!

    1. And I was just about to respond to an earlier post too, I guess that'll have to wait. Excited to see how the new posting system works though. Will threads and replies be visible in the mobile version this way instead of the mobile only showing sequential posting without replies visible?

      Pic not related, but I wanna see how this will look. Hooray for new features.

      And you can edit posts. You could cause some slightly amusing fun with this feature, haha.

      1. Yes, threads and replies will be visible in the mobile version. That's one of the features I'm hyped for.

        The old comments have been uploaded to Disqus, but they're queued for processing. Hopefully they're back up later today.

        The only thing I don't like is that the new system breaks the comment count bubbles on the front page. I'm trying to fix that.

      2. That would be useful. The other thing I like is that it keeps track of comments through the profile, something I wished the wordpress account did, and I think you can jump to the article and comment from the list. Since you can see other people's profiles and comment lists too, that should make it nice to not miss anything other people are saying.

      3. I logged into Disqus for the first time ever today (usually just use my twitter) and it synced all of my 1933 other comments made online that were associated with my e-mail address I used with Word Press.

      4. I switched email addresses, which I will be doing again anyways since they send notifications of replies with this account.

    1. It's promising, but I still need to see how it behaves after the import is finished and I really need to stop the comment bubbles from breaking. That latter issue is pissing me off.

      1. Wow now I get an email when someone responds! I know the comment bubble break is pissing you off but PLEASE look at the rest of the positives because I am digging the hell out of this lol.

        This is kind of like NXE (new xbox experience)for in my eyes hahahaha!

      2. yeah I saw something about email alerts for replies, that's kind of cool. Means I might have to switch the email address I used to sign up though.

  7. It says that my post is "awating moderator approval" or something like that. Is this because I'm on notice for using so many bad words and foul language in my posts?


  8. Oh, I see… that's if you comment as a guest.


    P.S.- I like this new image posting ability thingie. I will use this feature to post random pictures that nobody but me cares about but may have slight interest to some people out of sheer curiosity. Today's picture will be a random photo of my wedding.

      1. Here's another one.

        And, no, we're not midgets; we're just kneeling down.

        Bsukenyan- Take Notes!!


    1. Whoops, the picture that I wanted to post was too big.  Here it is, reduced in size.

  9. Another issue I have with Disqus is that it doesn't show the username on the recent comments tab on the right-hand side. IntenseDebate should fix this and other problems.

  10. I'm having second thoughts about Disqus. It adds a bunch of new features, but it's also adding all kinds of new problems. It looks like comment counts on the mobile site will be dead until Disqus addresses the problem. I've spent hours changing code to fix the front page bubbles and they're still not working.

    I'm also using IntenseDebate on another site. It has a lot of the same features…and a lot of the same problems.

    1. I don't know exactly how the problems are treating you, but so far I like Disqus pretty well.  There are some shortcomings, but I think the pictures and replies/threads viewable on mobile version is nice.  I also like how there are actual accounts with memory of posts, and the reactions part at the bottom of each article is an interesting feature as well.  With that said, I think I also had the easiest transition and the least amount of problems switching over and setting up an account, I'm not positive how everyone else feels.

  11. Hopefully none of you will want to kill me, but I think I'm going to experiment with IntenseDebate on Wednesday. It has a lot of the same features as Disqus. The good news is that you can use your credentials to log into IntenseDebate.

    Just a thought that I shall mull over for the next 30 minutes….

  12. well again that was a pretty easy transition for me, lol. it helps already having twitter, but there goes my username. haha, oh well. I never thought I had good nicknames or usernames anyways.

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