What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Like millions of other gamers, I’m going to be spending a large chunk of this weekend playing Rockstar Games’ L.A. Noire. To break things up I’m going to play a bunch of Let’s Golf 2 and Chaos Rings on my iPad 2. The latter is actually on sale for a limited time, so if you want some Square Enix RPG excitement on your iOS device then this is a great time to pick it up.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


13 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. Mortal Kombat, Bullet Storm, and the L4Ds with one of my bros this weekend.

    1. if you need another player for L4D(2) txt me and I'll probably be able to join if you need.

  2. L.A. Noire. I've only got one case left, but I have a lot of free roaming to do.

    1. What free roaming. There is nothing to do in L.A. Noire outside of the cases.

      1. There's 40 "random" missions. There's also a number collectables to obtain, cars to find, locations to discover, etc. To say there's no free roaming and nothing outside of the cases is incorrect.

  3. Probably play some CoD Black Ops with Tokz, play some Pokemon, maybe some L4D with Big Blak. I really feel like playing some TF2, but I always hate how glitchy the xbox 360 version of that game is and I don't think my laptop can handle playing it through Steam.

    1. @bsu

      Just send me a text when u want to play some black ops; also id love to join u and bb for some L4D action. Lets bring a menage trois of pain to the undead.

  4. I’ll be playing Dead Rising 2 all weekend. Damn that game is fun; short, but fun. For some reason, watching N8 beat zombies over the head repeatedly with a large purple dildo never gets old.

    I still have a bunch of achievements left to get, so I’ll be trying for those. Killing 72,000 zombies is going to take some serious stamina and determination… again.

    @N8- I got to level 50 already, so anytime you are willing to do Case West with me, let me know.


    1. that was N8R in the video on redtube with the zombies and the purple dildo??? oooohhhhhh wait…you were talking about in the video game…nevermind.

  5. @rpad

    just bought some MS points off Amazon. let me know if you get credit for it.

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