XGD3 Issue = New Xbox 360 + 1 Year of Xbox Live

Are you one of the lucky Xbox 360 owners with a system that’s incompatible with the new XGD3 disc format? The new format allows for an additional 1GB of disc storage and helps Microsoft combat piracy. It’s also incompatible with a small number of Xbox 360 units already on the market.

If you have an incompatible system then Microsoft will hook you up with a 250GB Xbox 360 Slim and one year of Xbox Live service. The compensation was discovered by a Reddit user and confirmed by Microsoft.

Now please excuse me as I’m going to stare really hard at my Xbox 360 and try to make incompatible through my mutant powers.


Author: RPadTV


27 thoughts on “XGD3 Issue = New Xbox 360 + 1 Year of Xbox Live”

  1. Uh… how do I know if my Xbox 360S is incompatible with the new XGD3 disc format?

    Also: What the hell is XGD3 and why should I care?


    1. Microsoft customer support can tell if your system is incompatible through Xbox Live. The company is going through systems and sending emails to customers.

      As for XGD3, reread the second sentence of the story.

  2. Does this only affect all 360s? Or only older ones? Also can MS check even if u arent connected to xbl or even have an xbl acct?

      1. @rpad

        Thanks. I have some friends that have 360s but refuse to pay for xbl.

      2. I know one isnt, he just keeps using guest and the other one had xbl gold but hasnt used it for a couple of years now since he got his ps3.

  3. I just got one from someone. I hope they don't just send him the email. I do so hope mine is bogus though….it would make my day.

      1. Thanks for posting that. I didn't want to write about it earlier in the morning because it was a non-story. Then loads of outlets reported it as another hack. Morons.

  4. I want to know what exactly about the xbox makes this happen. Why is it only on certain xbox's? Too bad they don't say what part it is that is causing the problem.

    1. This is just my guess.

      The lasers in some Xboxes (most likely the older ones) are not calibrated for these discs. When SSBB came out for Wii, it wouldn't play in my Wii because of this issue. I sent it to big N and they hooked it up.

      However, MS is offering a whole new 360 to people. This could also mean a processor or mobo issue. Or, instead of the laser needing calibrated, it may need a completely different spectrum of light for these discs requiring a new laser all in all.

      I should check my son's Xbox. He'd be happy as hell if he ended up with a slim one.

      1. stuff like that would make sense, but that wouldn't really explain to me why they don't just say that it's for older xbox's. if it was for older xbox's I would expect them to just say that. this tells me that it is something they have consistently kept the same product for across all xbox 360's—and I have no clue what exactly that would be. it would also mean the part would have to vary slightly because this problem doesn't affect all xbox's.

        this just doesn't tell me a whole lot of information about it, which I would be curious to learn about for no purpose other than I find it to be interesting.

      2. From what I gather, MS is pretty much staying quiet about it and leaving us to figure it out (aside from the Twitter post Ray linked).

        I might call them later on and get the skinny. Ask all the questions, get the answers (LA Noire is getting to me).

  5. I wish I was. Mine's been sent back for repairs twice, so it'd be nice to get a brand new system. Thought I'll have to turn on the wife's 360 and see if hers is having any issues.

  6. I have a old extra beat up xbox360 (drive face plate gone, scratched up body, chocolate milk cup stain), going to hook it up to live today and hope I get a "new" one from their refurbished pile.

  7. I called MS.

    The rep was beating around the bush at something, and I'm not exactly sure what he was leaning me towards.

    Anyway, he talked about how the update tomorrow will allow the firmware to read the new discs. He said the first one out in this format will be (he thinks) a republication of Halo: Reach.

    When I pressed harder, he said something about how only modded consoles won't be able to read them… but I called Lie on him using this article and other reports as evidence. He gave me a new objective of waiting to see if they post something on the official blog. When that happens, I'll have to interrogate him again.

    I then was led to a new case where I hadn't yet registered my second 360. I solved that case fairly quickly and my second Xbox's serial number was taken into custody. Open and shut.

    However… he wanted to sing… I could smell it. There was something (or someone) he was afraid of exposing. This case goes deeper than we initially thought boys. We'll need all the gumption we can muster.

    1. @n8

      Haha, i take it ur enjoying LA Noire a lot too. I'm surprised i'm really enjoying this game too. I feel bad that i was able to rent it from redbox for only 50 cent!

      1. @N8R

        I just imagine you saying that in a 1940's gangster voice. think Dave Chappelle in his bit about talking like bad guys in the 40's, not sure how familiar you are with his standup but it's near the end of this clip

        . LA Noire is apparently getting to you, lol.


        What is redbox's policy on games not being returned? I cant imagine it's the same penalty as their movies (basically $22 for the movie if you never bring it back). otherwise that would be a cheap game, haha. still though, it's not like the developer is losing money by you paying a cheap rental—they should have already made their money on that copy. it's redbox you're screwing over, and I for one have never had a problem screwing someone in that position…

        …wait a second, perhaps I could have worded that better.

      2. @bsu

        Thats what she said!

        Seriously, i tried reading up on it and all the website says is that it's the maximum rental charge is movies are $22 for a max rental then games should be $44 but dont quote me on that because im going off the math you provided.

      3. @Tokz

        It would make sense if they didn't really provide that information in an attempt to stop people from just keeping brand new games they rent. It's not a good deal to buy movies through redbox because you should be able to buy it brand new from a store for cheaper.

        How much are the game rentals though? They don't rent games on any of the redbox's for at least 50 miles around me.

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