Did You Watch Game of Thrones?

My nerd friends were jazzed about the premiere of Game of Thrones, the HBO series based on George R.R. Martin’s books. I haven’t read the books yet (I really want to), so the TV series doesn’t mean as much to me as it does to several of my friends. As a newb, I found the show interesting, though the amount of characters was a little intimidating. Still, Sean Bean is cool (partially because he looks like Triple H) and that Daenerys chick has perky boobs. I’d like to see more Bean and boobs.

Any of you catch the show? What did you think?

Author: RPadTV


5 thoughts on “Did You Watch Game of Thrones?”

  1. I have it DVR'd, but haven't watched it yet. I was busy completing my 4th playthrough of Dragon Age 2 last night. DirecTV had a free HBO weekend that "just happened" to coincide with the debut of Game of Thrones. It's like someone told them how they could best try to lure me in. I'll still wait for the DVD to watch the whole series if the first one turns out to be pretty good.

  2. @Ray: Martin's writing style is a bot tough. He jumps from character to character, and you may find yourself really getting into something only for him to leave it and not come back to it for another 200 pages. He's kinda Tom Clancy-esque in that regard (without all the technical & military jargon).

      1. I love the stories, but could do without the writing style. I feel the same way about Tolkien honestly. That's why I loved the LotR movies. I got the stories without 7 pages describing the same damn tree. Kinda hopeful that HBO's Game of Thrones will do the same for me.

  3. Crap. This is becoming one of those shows that I'll just watch repeatedly when nothing better is on. I think I've watched the premiere seven times already.

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