Jeff Hardy Continues to Murder His Career

Alleged drug trafficker and TNA wrestler Jeff Hardy continues to squander his talent by making stupid decisions. Already due in court for charges of drug trafficking, Hardy’s match with Sting at the Victory Road pay-per-view lasted mere seconds. Apparently Hardy was in no condition to perform. According to

Sting and Hardy locked up. Sting punched Hardy twice, grabbed him by the hair, and then performed the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting covered Hardy and scored the clean pin to end the match. Afterward, Sting appeared to respond to fan calls of “bullshit” by saying “I agree” as he stood on the stage.

It’s kind of sad watching Hardy self destruct. He’s tremendously talented and TNA has given him a lot of rope…but he seems intent on hanging himself with it. Time and time again, he continues to embarrass himself and TNA. Apparently in TNA you’re allowed like eight strikes before you’re out.

Any thoughts on “The Drug Trafficker” (as I like to call him)?


Author: RPadTV

11 thoughts on “Jeff Hardy Continues to Murder His Career”

  1. He's definitely in self destruct mode but TNA is in no position to release a top star.

    1. I disagree.

      I think wrestling is about to make a surge in popularity again and TNA is set up for all the old school wrestling fans to latch onto.

      They have the talent (young guys too), all they really need to escalate is better angles/writers.

      1. I doubt it will happen. TNA's management and writers will defeat themselves. For better wrestling, I'm hoping Ring of Honor will be able to step it up. There are some interesting rumors about the company's next TV deal.

      2. Why don't you send a letter (along with a copy of your resume) to Hulk Hogan asking him if you could join their writing staff. After all, you are just the kind of "verbal entertainer" that TNA needs right now.


      3. You know, I honestly believe that some of the plots I wrote for SmackDown vs. Raw are much better than what TNA writers come up with it. Granted they have to deal with the pressure of a weekly series, but still….

  2. I got excused from jury duty today during the voir dire…. as predicted.

    I think the dealbreaker was when I said "Honestly, I would find it hard to believe in this day and age that there is someone walking amongst us that HASN'T been the victim of a crime at some point."

    1. Ha! Good one. Next time I'm in for jury duty, I'll be sure to try that line out. Although I do like the "Well if the cops say he did it, then he must be innocent" line as well. Tough choice.


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