Today’s Poll: Are You Interested in Verizon’s iPhone 4?

The CDMA iPhone 4 on Verizon is just around the corner! The phone is mostly the same as the one AT&T has offered for the last six months, but for a lot of people, Verizon’s network will make it much more usable. Any of you interested in taking the plunge? Or are you content with your current phone and/or current carrier? Vote and discuss (please)!

[poll id=”95″]

Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “Today’s Poll: Are You Interested in Verizon’s iPhone 4?”

  1. i picked uninterested but i'm on the fence right now. you should've made a third option available. I'm really tempted by the hotspot feature and if the plan stays true with the unlimited data plan price of $45, i'd be tempted to think about verizon when the iphone 5 is announced in 5 months.

  2. My Wife is begging me like crazy, but I'm noncommittal due to our financial situation. So I'm not really sure which to vote for.

    1. I feel you man. The year is not starting out well for my wallet. For some reason, my latest health insurance bill was more than twice as much as the last one. Hopefully it's a mistake. Otherwise I might not be able to insure myself, which is scary on several levels.

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