X-Men Arcade Hitting XBLA in December, PSN in February

According to Eurogamer, X-Men Arcade will hit Xbox Live Arcade on December 15, 2010 and PlayStation Network in February 2011. X-Men Arcade is a port of the classic Konami coin-op arcade game. I pumped tons of quarters into it during college and am excited to play it online. Anyone interested in playing with me? It would be cool to get some four-player cooperative games going…but one of you has to agree to be Dazzler. *snicker*


Author: RPadTV


29 thoughts on “X-Men Arcade Hitting XBLA in December, PSN in February”

  1. HOURS of my life were spent at the arcade in the Danbury Fair Mall playing this game.

  2. I have played this before, and I should have an extra $10 by that time or a little after, so I should be up for picking this up and playing some co-op as well.

  3. I'll take one for the team, I'll be Dazzler (I dont know if it is a he or a she) so stop your bitching.

      1. Haha, if Big Blak wants to take Dazzler that's fine. I honestly don't remember who is really in this game, but I will play as whoever is open. After finals next week I will need a good release and plenty of games, so I won't be too particular about who I play as! lol.

      2. so it is decided. Everytime we play even if there are other characters available Big Blak will always be the Dazzler.

  4. Brings back great memories. I $5 to $10 on this every weekend at the local Shannon Mall when I was in high school. This and that WWF Wrestlemania game which was right beside the X-Men arcade game. I'm in and I call Cyclops.

    1. I also remember some kid at my local mall trying to fight me because I tossed him out of the Royal Rumble like 6 times in a row.

  5. i hope that this game succeeds on xbla and psn. I want to play other classic games like the spiderman one and the avengers. see you tube links if you don't remember these games.

    1. Damn… you really wanna play a s Hawkeye, don't you?

      I was thinking they should rerelease Maximum Carnage.

      1. OMG Maximum Carnage was one of my favorite games back in the day, I can still here the 16bit guitar riffs lol.

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