Adobe Flash Kills Battery Life on the New MacBook Air

Most pundits believed that Apple omitted Adobe Flash from its new MacBook Air due to the Flash vs. HTML5 war the companies are waging. It turns out that there’s a more practical reason for the snub: battery life. According to Ars Technica, the Air gets more than 33 percent more juice without Flash than with it. Here’s the deal:

Having Flash installed can cut battery runtime considerably — as much as 33 percent in our testing. With a handful of websites loaded in Safari, Flash-based ads kept the CPU running far more than seemed necessary, and the best time I recorded with Flash installed was just 4 hours. After deleting Flash, however, the MacBook Air ran for 6:02—with the exact same set of websites reloaded in Safari, and with static ads replacing the CPU-sucking Flash versions.

Prettty crazy, hey? The whole thing has me rethinking my position on Flash-based advertising. What do you think of The Situation the situation?


Author: RPadTV