Get Your Shirts, Mugs, and Other Goodies

Would you be a dear and help me promote the site by wearing an t-shirt? Here’s your chance! Head on over here to buy some goodies, including shirts, coffee cups, beer mugs, and more. The goods are a little on the pricey side, but I’ve read great things about this vendor, so hopefully they’ll last you a long time.

If you happen to pick up a shirt or twelve, please send me pictures of you wearing it. I’d love to post them. I’d also love to post any photos you snap of famous people or hot chicks wearing an shirt. I’ll post those and use them as wallpaper.

Author: RPadTV

34 thoughts on “Get Your Shirts, Mugs, and Other Goodies”

  1. If I buy the collectors mug does it come with a balloon inside like my Ghost Busters mug?

  2. ray,

    forgive me for not understanding how this works….but if we buy shirts or other merhcandise… you get money??

  3. i think you should sell these through amazon Rpad. you'd not only make up your money from what you spend on these goodies but you'd also get some side action if we used an amazon link of yours to purchase them too. just saying. I'm also eyeing this frosted mug.

      1. That does sound like a good idea. I only have like 2 sweatshirts so I would definitely use another one, haha.

  4. Ray do you get more money if I buy this stuff or if I drop it into Amazon? Hoping you say the swag. I plan on getting me and my little brother matching T-shirts (its not dorky because he is 2), and a set of beer mugs.

    1. None of this stuff is actually made. Any item you buy would be custom printed by the vendor. So it's not like I have stuff to sell on Amazon. These guys have a good rep and make it easy for me and anyone that wants to buy.

      1. oh ok, that's good to know. so may get a the option of a black hoodie or is that out of the question?

      1. yeah that's true too. i bet ballers have like exclusive stores or malls where they buy their clothes or they are custom made on the spot.

      2. Ralph Lauren and Chaps. They last the longest. I also like how the logo isn't always in white. Weird I know.

        I just don't like t-shirts. I need to have a collar.

      3. I knew it!!!! i like Ralph Lauren for the same reason. The logo always seems to color coordinate with the shirt color.

      4. A friend came over and we were playing NBA 2k locally and we listened to it lol. He thought it was pretty cool as well.

        Btw, Rondo is a bastard in that game. Not as much as CP3, but close.

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