What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I want to play more Costume Quest, but I’m heading to Anaheim for BlizzCon 2010. Between the show, watching the Yankees in the ALCS, and doing video stuff, I’m not going to have time to play anything. I’m leaving my DS and PSP at home, so as not to be tempted by Pokemon or Final Fantasy. It’s for the best.

Instead, I will live vicariously through you! What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


55 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. You are going?? I need all the Diablo 3 info you can get. Also lots of pics of women dressed up. Those are awesome. Thankyou.

      1. I'm more of a pic guy honestly but videos are will do. I think I'm in the minority that I'd rather pics of things instead of videos. I guess I'm too impatient? lol.

  2. I WANT to play my new games Medal of Honor, Fallout New Vegas & The Shoot, BUT I have to study for a test and finish up my house this weekend.

  3. ray

    good luck with the next phase of our website, we are with you and we support you

    i cant speak for anyone else here, but im very proud of you (sob)

    1. yes i agree with thundercracker. we all look forward to your vids from Blizzcon and wherever else you go to cause trouble, i mean, whatever other events you choose to go cover. have a safe trip to ananheim and while you're down there do us both a favor and get rid of angels stadium please.

  4. I am going to be packing things from my old apt to bring to the new apt so there will be little gaming involved :(

  5. Playing some more Halo: Reach and reading more pokemon training and breeding stuff in preparation for getting a DS and starting up again. I finished going through the pokemusings and now I'm reading some guides on breeding natures and IV's and trying to read pokemon mondays but that site is hard to navigate and search on so I am having some trouble finding all of them. Also, all it is doing is making me anxious to start playing again.

    1. Hey, if I can't find Sandrock tonight, would you mind doing the "Office of Not Dying" challenge with me? I did it with Sandrock last time and we were pretty successful at it. One of us stays behind and doesn't die while the other one leads the charge to kill everything so that the second guy gets through safely. After that, we switch roles and go through the level again.


      1. yeah I should be able to do that. I gotta test out a headset (my dog is teething right now so I'm not too happy with what he did with my headset right now) and make sure it still works, but I will make sure I am online tonight for that.

      2. Cool. Thanks. I'm going to try to be home by around 8:30 EST. Not having a headset may be a problem, but in the worst-case scenario, we can just communicate by Morse code tea-bagging.


      3. headset works still, it's just a little uncomfortable to wear. I need to find something to put over the earpiece so it is more like normal.

      4. I know why we cant party chat BSU, it hit me like a ton o' bricks the other day. You have that new update and I don't and since you do we can not party chat lol.

      5. OMFG that makes perfect sense and I completely did not think about that!!!!!! that lady I talked to at MS could've saved us a bunch of time if she would have asked if you had the update when I told her I had the update!! wow we completely missed that one!

        I was just thinking about that again because I can't hear your voice messages either.

      6. I know a bunch of other people who got the update, so I wouldn't be able to talk to them if I didn't. Either way somebody is getting left out from all this.

      7. I'm hoping if i'm sober enough to either play Reach or L4D, or get done with FF13. chapter 13 here i come. i'm also thinking about picking up Kirby.

      8. yeah i hope i don't either. you guys feel free to text me or e-mail me or sent a morse code but not a tea bagging one. i'm not down with that.

      9. dude scroll down to smartguy's and iceman's convo. they're talking about communicating via teabag morse code if their headsets don't work.

  6. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow for my review that I REALLY need to get done. The wife's playing God of War: Ghost of Sparta (also for review).

    1. Is your wife also a writer or is she just doing your work for you? Not that I'm complaining; If I could get my wife to do my work for me, I'd totally be loving it… more game time for me.

      Post the link to the review after you're done. I'd like to read it.


      1. She's also done a couple of reviews for us. Mostly handheld stuff since the rest of us aren't big handheld gamers. She did the reviews of the recent Kingdom Hearts PSP game, and Dragon Quest for the DS.

  7. im getting an itch to go buy playstation move…..uh oh, ill have it by the end of the day

    1. Good. Then I won't be the only one here with one. I have 1 Nav controller (haven't used it yet) and 4 Move controllers. The sports games with 2 players and 4 Move cont. are an utter blast.

      The $15 clip for the camera is really helpful also.

  8. I forgot….I am thinking about going and buying Madden 11 to practice at it. I was at our local Buffalo Wild Wings and the manager was letting me play PS3 up on 2 of the projectors, then he told me they are having a Madden tourney and the winner gets 2 Super Bowl Tickets. I wouldn't go but I bet I could sell them.

    I played 2 games of Madden for and I SUCK AT IT. Never played it before but on the 2nd game I did score 3 times, but still lost by 3.

    1. Hey, it's not an easy thing to learn, but the basics are simple: Crouching = dot and standing up = dash. So, ".-. .–. .- -.. – …- -.- .. -.-. -.- … .- … …" would translate into "Rpad TV kicks ass", but I think Mr. Padilla doesn't like the whole Morse Code thing on his site.


      1. I can't write what exactly makes it go away but when you're done with the strike (or any other html) you write /strike between the greater than/less than symbols.

        or /whatever html you are using.

    1. I'm going to the Dolphins game this Sunday. I don't suppose you'll be in the South Florida area this Sunday at around noon, will you? I would like to see you bury your face in your hands when Rapelisthberger throws an interception for a touchdown in person.

      I posted the links to your possible icons under the post you told me which one was to be mine if the Dolphins lost.


      1. I'd rock the Superman 64 one in a heartbeat, hell for about a month there, my avatar was me wearing my Superman 64 shirt I got from pre-ordering that lame duck.

        So… that doesn't seem fair. I'd go with the Adam Lambert kissing a man one.

  9. Well, seeing as I racked up on my birthday Thursday I'm gonna be playing Castlevania: Lord of Shadows, Super Scribblenauts, and Castle Crashers ^^

    Can't wait to see pics and vids Rpad!

  10. I am just going to throw this out there, but I would like someone to write it down in case I ever go against what I am about to say right here:

    I am not buying another Obsidian game.

    I just spent the past 5 days fighting a losing battle with New Vegas. I really enjoyed Fallout 3, spent a lot of time the last couple of months going back through with some of the new DLC added on. I was really looking forward to this next chapter.

    Since Tuesday, I have been feeling that the attempt by Obsidian has been completely half-assed. Not counting the crazy Exorcist spinning heads, the main story line is a far cry from good, and it's sad that some truly inspired side-quests are wasted. Random places that meant so much in F3 mean nothing now, they've been drained of heart, mean nothing to the land around them, and represent some truly horrible designs (Vault 34, I'm looking at you).

    But I can get by that. I can get past the graphical faults, I can get past the random freezing with frequent saves. What I can't get past, is my companion disappearing randomly between areas. Not only is Boone gone, but the game still thinks he's there, so I can't replace him. Not only is he gone, but HE'S GONE ON ALL MY SAVES!!!!! WTF Obsidian. WTF.

    I won't do it. Alpha Protocol looked like it had so much promise… half-assed from the get go. WTF. KOTOR 2… half-assed a Bio-Ware product. WTF.

    At this point, I am almost willing to take the $25 from a Gamestop trade-in, eat the loss and put it down on something of substance.

    At least Costume Quest released this week.

    /rant off

      1. I want to like them, hell I bought this one lol. They just don't put enough effort into release a product that's finished. And when you are working from existing products, KOTOR and Fallout, from companies like Bethesda and BioWare, I just don't understand how you put something out like that.

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