Harry Potter actress Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) has lopped off all her hair in favor of a pixie haircut. This is majorly depressing. Hermione has developed into quite the hottie. The pixie look…doesn’t quite work for her. People has posted a photo of her with the new haircut. Check it out.
Why Emma, why?!? You were so sexy before! Now you look like…an angry high-school student that’s questioning her sexuality. *sigh* Here’s a picture of Emma in bathtub. That should cheer me you up.
Wow, that last picture actually did cheer me up. Good job!
Perhaps she's a lesbian now, maybe?
I think it looks nice. Kinda like it more on her that way.
**bunkers down**
It worked for Winona Ryder. For Emma??? Not so much.
As much as i agree with you about her new hairstyle, your doubts shouod go away when you ask yourself one question. Would i still @&$* her? I would so im okay with it
I second Tokz post.
I third Tokz's post.
Wow. I don't know what is majorly depressing about that. Without resorting to rudeness, I would hit that, and hard. In the words of the immortal Ron Burgandy…. "Iwanttobeonyou" (to be said in one breath with a scotch by the side of a swimming pool)
lol, it doesn't fit her honestly. but oh well :)
I like her hair better as a pixie. Before I couldn't look at her without seeing Hermoine.