Apple Sells 1.7-Million iPhone 4 Units in Three Days

As expected, Apple’s iPhone 4 has conquered the world. The company issued a press release that revealed that 1.7-million iPhone 4 units were sold between its launch on June 24 and Saturday June 26. Apple CEO  His Royal Worshipfulness High Commander Steve Jobs said:

This is the most successful product launch in Apple’s history. Even so, we apologize to those customers who were turned away because we did not have enough supply.

1.21 gigawatts 1.7-million units is just a hugely impressive number that’s a testament to Apple’s brand marketing. Despite being saddled with a network that simply blows chunks in New York City and San Francisco, as well as the reported problems with the phone’s display and reception, I completely expect Apple to dominate the consumer smartphone market. Sure, there will several strong competitors that do well and I’m certain Google Android’s installed base will continue to rise, but as far as a single smartphone model goes, I sincerely doubt anything will come close to the iPhone 4.

Author: RPadTV

10 thoughts on “Apple Sells 1.7-Million iPhone 4 Units in Three Days”

  1. Haha, Rpad I literally lol'd at your back to the future reference ( I'm on iPhone 4 right now) and that caused me to be made fun of by my girlfriend because I had to explain the reference, thus proving what a geek I am

  2. I just saw a commercial showing off Facetime on the iPhone 4:

    Notice how many people are "holding it wrong".

  3. @ Ray


    Some folks are holding it righty in landscape made. Other people have it lefty in portrait, but their hand wraps completely around it at the bottom.

    Watch the video.

  4. @N8R

    I saw that ad last night too, and thought the same thing, but I realized Facetime only works with WiFi and I haven't heard if their are reception issues with WiFi also. But at one point it looks like some one makes a call. The video is hogwash though because they are all holding the phone too close to their face. CNET showed that they need to almost be at arms length.

  5. @Call signal

    Here is a Dig at Apple from Nokia

    "One of the main things we’ve found about the 1 billion plus Nokia devices that are in use today is that when making a phone call, people generally tend to hold their phone like a…. well, like a phone."

  6. I've always liked and had a Nokia phone up until 2007. I saw what the iphone could offer and thought why can't nokia come up with something like this. Then they did but the good phones were only available in Europe and too expensive.

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