Shacknews Previews Batch One

Hey guys! Here’s the first batch of E3 2010 previews I’ve written for Shacknews. If you have a chance, please check ’em out. Feel free to discuss them over there or over here. Be nice to the Shackers if you choose to visit, okay?

SplatterhouseIt’s bloody and has an area informally referred to as the “Butt Plug Microwave Room”.

NBA Jam — It’s ugly, but good old-school fun.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom — This is my sleeper hit of the show. It’s kind of like Ico with more involved combat.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn — I frickin’ love this game!!!

EA Sports MMA — The striking is tight, which isn’t a surprise since it’s based on Fight Night’s punching. I didn’t get the hang of grappling just yet.

Disney Epic Mickey — This will be another Warren Spector masterpiece. It’s a great platformer, with cool art and a fun gimmick.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword — A lot of people weren’t high on Miyamoto’s demo, but it looked sluggish because of all the interference. It’s absolutely true. Going hands-on with the game is a different deal. I’m positive this will be another great Zelda title.

Author: RPadTV

11 thoughts on “Shacknews Previews Batch One”

  1. Is it just me… or did he make crack at Jobs when he asked everyone to turn off their wi-fi? Maybe I'm just looking to deep into it though lol

  2. @Sandrock323 Not a crack at all. That's why the demo looked a little sluggish. Demoing anything wireless is an issue with so many people on WiFi, mobile Internet cards, etc. It ruined demos at Google I/O, Apple WWDC, and E3.

  3. @Ray

    I know and I probably just want it to be crack is all. Also, I would be the only one to leave a D&D comment on your Zelda article. (Even though I've never played the table top version XD)

  4. @ N8;

    Smartguy got Mr. Padilla a free ticket to the Adult Entertainment Expo next year at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas, January 6 through 9th (get it?).

    Well, that's what I think, anyway. After all, I would say "Oh wow! Thanks very much!!!" if someone did that for me, anyway.


  5. @Ray

    NP. You deserve it. You entertain me daily and provide a forum for me to talk with awesome people.

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