I think I’m finally over my Scrabble phase (well…mostly). This weekend I want to jump back into the world of gamers’ games! I have Alan Wake and Split / Second
waiting on my Xbox 360. This seems like a fine weekend to tackle both. On the downloadable front, I’m going to give Rocket Knight a shot. It looks like a cool old-school platformer. Lastly, I ordered Glory of Heracles
in a pretty awesome Amazon deal. It’ll be arriving today and I’m totally down for some turn-based RPG excitement on my DS.
As always, I want to know what you’re playing this weekend!
I'm traveling to CT this weekend for my brother's wedding, so I won't have much time for gaming. Probably bring the PSP for the plane….but it's a red eye back to CT and after 3 full days of stuff planned I'm probably gonna sleep on the ride back to AZ.
@Nightshade386 Sounds like a brutal trip — good luck and enjoy! That said, I once spent less than 48 hours in Manchester, England. I was living in Orange County at the time. My body was so confused when I got back.
I just got Batman AA GOTY from Walmart or it's scheduled to be delivered according to the USPS site. I'll try that for a bit. Some BC2 and possibly go rent Fifa WC cuz it's only 13 days away!
I got my fingers crossed for you on it being the GOTY one.
I ordered RDR off Amazon and it shipped from Nevada. I might be here this weekend, but Tuesday is a safer bet (no mail on Monday).
@ Nightshade
I once flew from CA to Pittsburgh for one day because I couldn't afford to miss any more work and it was my father's funeral.
Long and short, my body and nerves were quite pissed off at me… but my luggage was super light.
I'll be working on my PC this weekend.
Signs of a Bad Week:
Saturday – Fat PS3 dies
Wednesday – Water Pump Died on my truck
Today – 6mo old WD 1Tb hdd failed. Raptor failed in Jaunary. 1.5Tb Seagate died 2 months ago after 2 weeks use.
wow that's a bad run you're going through. i hope that doesn't transfer over to me.
Speaking of no mail on Monday, please buy poppies for vets. I'll be leaving work in a bit to volunteer and sell these from 1-4p. Let's remember the vets that sacrificed and are sacrificing their lives for our freedom. (sorry for the Memorial Day plug)
I'm pretty sure @SlickyFats is Magneto. Keep your consumer electronics away from him!
@rpad or any Green Lantern mark
Geoff Johns tweeted that the GL animated series will be launching in 2011.
@Ray & N8R: We've done this brutal turnaround before, except it was on a regular 2 day weekend. It's not a lot of fun, especially with a toddler. That being said, I'll get to see some friends and family that I haven't seen in a long time, so it'll be nice. I may just have to call out of work on Tuesday to catch up on some sleep.
WoW. Might pick up Alan Wake. A friend and me have a boat so if it is ready today (p and m) we'll try to go fishing.
Has anyone played Alan Wake yet?
I rented Mod Nation Racers earlier in the week. I had high hopes for the game. It was okay but the load screens are why I won't be getting it. You enter career mode through an 'overworld' race-and-meet people area. Once you race 1 track you are sent back to the meet-and-greet area where you have to drive back over to career mode. Each time you switch there are loading screens that take up to 2 minutes. The game itself isn't bad. I didn't build any tracks for fear of another loading screen.
Also rented BLUR. It is pretty fun. The pick-ups on the track aren't anything spectacular but you really have to strategically get the right ones to get in first and stay there. Felt like NFS Underground (which I loved). The tracks are large (not motorstorm large though) and varied. Overall is was a good game. I'll buy it when the price drops.
I've been playing a ton of Red Dead Redemption and I love it. I'm sure the entire time I'm stuck sit/stand/kneeling at the Catholic Mass in the wedding I'll be wishing I was blowing away outlaws on my 360 instead. Assuming of course that I don't burst into flame the moment i walk into the church…..
Having a horrible day at work but my gf has some friends from NY over so I doubt I'll get to play anything :(
the lord be with you
I watched The Road the other day, so I'll be playing Fallout 3 and some Borderlands. Throw in some SSFIV and some MW2 and call it a week.
@ Whoever has SSFIV
Add me on PSN my name is Halfnalcedgoat3. And then be prepared to get owned. :D
I'm done with ODST. Awesome game, BTW, but I don't think it was worth $60. I would say it's worth about $30, because that's what I paid for it. Suck on that, digital distribution!
Anyway, I'm stuck in a rut right now because I have Fallout 3, Bayonetta, GTA: Episodes from Liberty City and Final Fantasy 12 (yes, 12, not 13) all still in their wrappers. I can't decide which game I want to play next, so I'll just switch between Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer until I get bored. Hopefully by that time, I will have made a decision.
Any recommendations?
I'm not sure what I'll be playing this weekend. LP2 is a definite, but I should probably be social and play some games with my friends (because they don't have LP2 </3 )
Out of what you have I'd recommend Bayonetta. If you are itching to make a purchase, I'd grab Splinter Cell Conviction. I'm mulling over buying Alan Wake this weekend.
@ Smartguy;
Have you played Bayonetta? If so, I've heard it's a game that you don't want to play while your wife is around or so I'm told. Is this true?
No nude, but plenty of innuendo. I liked the game, but it is too difficult for me and the easy difficulty auto combos for you.
This is interesting:
I fortunately have the benefit of not being married, I'm stringing it along as long as I can. A friend did come over and bring the game by though. I thought it was fun, but got brutally hard.
She seems to get naked to do special moves. I like to think she does. It is a nice touch.
I'd believe it.
i think i do control my dreams. I've experienced death at times but i do the neo at the end of the matrix. I tell myself it's not real and then i wake up. Have a safe trip btw!
Just got L4D2 the other day (@Ray did that show up on Amazon? I used the link) so I am excited to play that. Maybe some more L4D, still trying for that 53,595 kills.
I need that achievement as well. I gotta get it in with you. I hope sunday is good for me I haven't had any real gaming time in a few weeks .
Ugh. So sick today. Caught a flu bug. Awesome way to speed a long weekend. Ha!
Send someone to pickup SMG2 for you. I bought that Friday along with Alan Wake.
Or you could just join the WoW cult. Stormscale, PVP server. Horde. DO IT!
Download Dr. Mario on the HTC EVO for some irony in your day.
Or he could play a MMO that isn't noob friendly and play FFXI :P
That was a good read. I don't have dreams often so I don't really count. Never had a dream I couldn't influence though. (sometimes I end up worse off than where I began though.)
I started dreaming alot more when I stopped smoking pot. Occasionally I take control, but that thing about switching from first person to third person… happens all the time.
He could play the one where you don't kill rats for 12 hours to level. :)
WoW may be noob friendly, but that doesn't mean the ppl are any better. Besides, why not go with the best? :)
There aren't any rats in FFXI. :P
Crabs on the other hand…
@Big Blak
Yeah I'm only at about 11,000 kills but climbing steadily. I am about to get the 1000 machine gun kills too, and the Crash Course littlest genocide achievement should both help out on my way to 53,595 kills.
Which do you like better, L4D or L4D2? I think I'm liking the first one best still. Wish there was more DLC.
LOL, FFXI is full of crabs. But why play WoW again, when you and your friends can get all the gear you need in less than a few months. I've got friends who've beaten everything so much they got bored and came back to XI. It's just more challenging. Strategies are a necessity.
As for topic: Waiting on Resonance of Fate to hit my mailbox. But I've been really flighty lately. Started an "evil" character on Fallout 3, stopped playing XIII but thinking of getting back in it. Restarted Oblivion b/c I haven't since my ps3 crash of '09. And making my tiny town bigger in White Knight Chronicles. Plus over the weekend my mom plans on hogging my ps3 b/c she likes Bejeweld 2 haha.
Oh and @ Ray, I hope you are feeling better. :)
@CameKitten Thanks Cami! It's nice to "see" you again. You're like our Smurfette.
I am feeling better, but not yet 100%. I'm supposed to go to San Francisco on Wednesday. Hopefully I won't have to cancel. What will probably happen is that I'll feel good enough to go, get drunk with my friends at the event, and come back feeling worse than ever. Ha!
FFX1 sucks that's why. There is strat in WoW. I'm sorry that a game that only requires a few months of time as opposed to years is just too soft core for you. :)
WoW > FF anything
Great deal on Split Second today on Amazon. It's $39.99 for PS3 or Xbox 360. You also get $5 in MP3 credits.
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=rt0b3-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=B002JTX9RQ" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
I like L4D2 better but I still love the first one.
JFK = Worst airport experience ever. Back on the ground and happy to be home.
@Nightshade386 It varies from terminal to terminal. What airline did you take?
Delta. 3 gate changes and 2 1/2 hours on the runway before we took off.
@Nightshade386 Hmmm, I don't see how that's a JFK problem rather than a Delta operations issue.
Needless to say, dragging a 3 tired year old around a gigantic terminal only to end up where you started isn't a positive experience.
@Nightshade386 Sure, but blame the right party.
JFK, Delta or whoever that sucks.
@Big Blak
I think the campaigns in L4D2 seem pretty cool so far (still playing more of the first one than anything). But I like the feel of L4D better, I like my games to feel a little gritty and the second one feels a little more cartoon-ish to me than the first. I feel the same way about Skate and Skate 2 as well.
The achievement for not having any friendly fire is HARD! I still cannot get that one.
@smartguy – i'll win you over somehow. FFXI is THE mmo for me I guess b/c I'm a glutton for years of punishment. And the bond i've made with tons of people. Plus, the challenge and fun for me was fighting for claim a big boss with 5 other guilds trying to claim the same one. I think it's the "i'm gonna rub this claim in your face" thing lol. I'ma glutton for punishment :D
@Ray – Glad you're improving. Down a hot totty (sp??). Rly sorry I haven't been on much in the last 2 months. I am ashamed D: Just been adjusting to my move, and being able to see all my friends I haven't seen in 5 years.
Nah. I like being a Paladin way too much. Though now that I'm horde…I have to be the metro sexual blood elf.
Like Ark more than Mississippi? (i'm upset that i can't use mississippi jokes anymore)
<_< Guild Wars takes more strategy than WoW.
(/jk never played WoW)
FFXI strategy is different than others I have played. I'm not sure if it is the emphasis on hate control or the mapping down every second you spend during a fight that make it that way.
I will acquiesce, some things are just zerged in WoW…but I'm sure FFXI has those moments as well. Every game has to have a zerg encounter.
I'm guilty of only trying Conan and Aion besides WoW. I found that WoW just does things a lot better than the other two.
Zerged in FFXI = stupid puller = death for party. FFXI has more of a boss fight feel to it. Every fight you go after has to be done with skill or you will end up wiping the party. You don't get crap for exp if your party is fighting enemies of ~ equal lvl and no exp if they are lower. Guild Wars on the other hand is all about the enemies zerging you (unless you are a necromancer minion master, then you are the one zerging O_o).
@smartguy – Yeah I'm definately more at home in AR then in MS. I went to college here and spent a good 5 yrs of my life there. So this is my final resting area lol, I'm not moving to another town ever again. Plus some of my old college buddies and roomies still flock to this town.
P.S. AR is still no different from MS, so you can make jibs to your leisure :P I won't mind hahaha. Cause…. it all applies. Just like AL lol.
@smartguy again – lol i actually have to say i do enjoy a good pld, whether it's wow or xi. But I've seen how a LOT of plds are treated in wow, and that's a main healer. And a lot of people get disgruntled with it. I myself have a 32 Alli pally that I choose to be healer, just b/c once a hearler always a healer. Plds in XI have a different feel to them. Their enmity stats match no other. The only sad part to it, is that decking them out with enmity and vit, they lack the fight power. But that's where the rest of the part pull through.
I'm a tank. I enjoy it. No more worries of what a dps meter says. I go by threat per second now lol. It's also nice having 3x the life of everyone else. As a paladin tank, I think I'm pretty much a raid boss.