Diane Campbell, a poor and disabled woman, was unable to purchase an iPad at a Palo Alto Apple Store because she wanted to pay in cash. Apple’s policy states that iPads can only be purchased with credit or debit cards. KGO-TV San Francisco reported:
Being disabled and on a fixed income, Campbell held off on buying a computer until the Apple iPad came along. It was small, mobile and perfect for her needs. So, little by little she saved up the $600 she needed to get one.
“It took quite a long time for me to just save up this small amount of money to go down and purchase one,” she said. “I had my cash in the backpack and I went up proudly to the counter and told them, ‘I would like to purchase an iPad.'”
“They said, ‘Sorry, we don’t take cash.'”
People are currently allowed to purchase two iPads with a credit or debit card, according to KGO-TV. The idea behind the policy is that Apple doesn’t want people buying up oodles of iPads, exporting them, and making a killing by selling them in regions where they aren’t available. I get that. The policy also makes it so that people like Campbell have difficulty buying a product. Sure, it might be easy to say, “Well go open a ‘free’ bank account or get a pre-paid credit card,” but shouldn’t she be able to use common currency to purchase goods?
*sigh* I think I’m just sensitive to money issues today. Sorry!
I had hell getting Apple to take my money as well. I wonder if they'd refuse a prepaid card, or Apple gift card? Buy that in cash and use it in turn.
My experience using the brick and mortar apple store is that they don't like cash at all. They just want to scan a card on the sales floor.
@smartguy Not certain about a pre-paid card, but an Apple gift card can't be used for an iPad.
She should hit up Bestbuy
@smartguy FYI, your Gravatar image isn't showing up in Chrome or FF.
no gravatar in IE either
@ Smartguy
It's not showing up for me either.
Hmm. My bluedog might be violating something. Dump your cache?
Cache dumped page refreshed… still no.
It may be the rating you gave it on gravatar.com.
same here no more blue dog. I cleared it both on my pc and iphone,
@ Smartguy
It's probably BP's fault.
much as I am an apple fanboy there's a lot about the stores that I don't like. having to set up an appointment to have someone look at your phone is ridiculous if you ask me. the whole store is set up such that it's easy to get ignored by employees when you walk in. I don't know if they are on comission but on days when I'm going to get a mere $40 iPad case and not a computer it seems difficult to find someone that can check me out.
I bet an employee is going to get fired over this one though, that's some bad PR for Apple. granted they have rules but in this case I think there are extenuating circumstances that a manger should have been involved in.
On that note though I love the checkout process, scan the item using an ipod then run my card on said iPod. I always keep digital copies of all my receipts so it's great to have them email that right to me. (I just wish I didn't have to give them my email address every time)
@ Smartguy
The blue dog is back… except now he's wearing a Steelers shirt.
@Shockwave562 Don't you like that you can make an appointment with a genius? You don't meet many of those and the stores have bars full of them.
@rpad – haha… it is amazing how many geniuses they house. but in reality I think it makes perfect sense to schedule an appointment for a computer problem. a lot of computer owners don't have the luxury of taking their unit to the manufacturer.
However, I work in a professional environment and I've had a few issues where my phone stopped working. I can't just wait till Friday to get an appointment to get my phone working again, you know? (granted, a lot of the incidents have been my fault, such as dropping the phone in water or breaking the glass, haha)
hey! you broke the glass on your iphone too! how did that work out. my sister just did that to hers and we didn't get the extended warranty but it's still under a one year warranty for another 3 weeks.
This is crap. I haven't had a credit card or debit card in 3 years. I pay cash for EVERYTHING. I get money orders to pay bills. I stopped having credit/debit cards after my divorce, she kinda screwed me and my credit and anything she didn't get to I canceled. Pre-paid credit cards are a freaking money scamming rip-off. I would have gone off on someone and would have had to been removed from the store.
@tokz – bad news my friend, apple won't cover broken glass or water incidents under Apple Care.
but if you a DIYer then go to amazon.com and buy yourself a replacement glass piece for her iPhone (3G costs like $20 and I think 3GS costs about $30) It's fairly simple and a lot cheaper than Apple's $200 charge. The only thing you have to worry about is being careful with the LCD but even if you break that Apple will still only charge you 200.
The one I bought on amazon had amazing directions and I've actually replaced 4 glass screens now for some friends without issues.
Yeah i think i can do that. I fixed my rockband drums for my wii and that worked until my sister broke it again. I'll try that. now i wonder if they will fix the ringer toggle on the side of the phone????
I forgot to ask if you remember the seller. so i can see if they have more available.
@tokz – they probably would, though I'm not sure if they'd touch it in it's current state. so fix the glass before time is up… lol
is it a 3gs or 3g?
yeah that's what i was thinking, fix the glass and get it to them asap. It's a 3g. We were going to upgrade it but for some lame reason only i can upgrade every year everyone else in my family plan has to wait a year and a half. lol. do you remember the name of that seller?
<iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=rt0b3-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&m=amazon&f=ifr&md=10FE9736YVPPT7A0FBG2&asins=B001ISL548" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
there you go tokz – I went through the Rpad link so that should help Ray out. don't forget to buy the took kit for an extra 2 bucks. I think this will ship to you for under $15
just be real careful – I'd watch 4-5 youtube videos on how to do it properly and read up as best you can.
[Edited by r.pad: Added the "advanced" link. :)]
sweet! Thanks
No, rpad, you’re not being sensitive. I should be able to pay for something i want in any way acceptable i.e. cash, credit, layaway, loans, and other services. Cash should always be acceptable. It’s our money and if we want to buy your product and then re-sell it that’s our prerogative.