Warner Bros. Lets You Trade Your DVDs for Blu-Ray Discs

Rpadholic tokz_21 sent in this nifty link on Warner Bros. DVD2Blu program, which allows you to trade in your old DVDs for Blu-ray discs for as low as $4.95 per movie. Here’s the skinny from CNet:

Customers can go to the site and select the movies they want to upgrade. From there, they need only to send the DVD version of the movie they currently own to the service. Within “four to five weeks,” Warner Bros. ships the Blu-ray copy of the film back to the customer. Pricing for individual movies starts at $4.95 per movie — a relative bargain compared to buying the Blu-ray version in stores.

There are some pretty excellent movies available in the promotion, but there are also “winners” like Beerfest, Constantine, and Under Siege 2. I actually have a bunch of the movies on the list and will try out the program soon. In the immortal words of Jerry Maguire, “Who’s coming with me?!?”

Source via CNet

Author: RPadTV


3 thoughts on “Warner Bros. Lets You Trade Your DVDs for Blu-Ray Discs”

  1. I probably would try this service out, except I don't have a blu-ray player and I don't know one other person who does (except for a couple random people I know with PS3's, but no one has an actual player).

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