Addressing graduating students at Hampton University, President Barack Obama warned the crowd about the perils of devices like the Apple iPod and iPad, Sony PlayStation 3, and Microsoft Xbox 360 while admitting that he didn’t know how to use any of them. In stead of empowering people with information, modern entertainment devices distract them. The American President said:
With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation.
I actually think he has a valid point. Obviously gaming consoles are entertainment devices that are meant to distract you from the real world, but I am completely guilty of using my PC, iPhone, etc. to absorb loads of useless information. Sites like IMDB and Wikipedia have made the quest for trivial pursuits even more engrossing. While a lot of people are hating on Obama for being anti-fun, I actually stand by the President on this one.
What do you think? Do today’s electronics make information more of a distraction than an empowering asset? Or does the President just hate videogame consoles and iPads? Does anyone else find it alarming that the most powerful man in the free world doesn’t know how to use an iPod (*kidding*)?
I find it interesting that he has such a strong opinion on devices he doesn't understand or use.
Some things on my iPhone can be a mere distraction, but it is also a wealth of information. The Internet at my finger tips. Mankind has reached a pinnacle in information technology and because he doesn't know how to use them it's supposed to be a step backwards? I'm sorry, but that just sounds like another tech hater to me.
I agree with him. Its not like machines ( at least now…at least to my knowledge) can make me a more enlightened person. Yea sure we have cool things to let us look up all kind of knowledge with the press of a button (are they becoming obsolete too?) and we can all spit out random statistics but is that empowerment?
To me that would be like if Clinton had said 'the Internet is fun and has a lot of good porn but it's just a distraction.'
I've never considered myself Rep or Demo nor have I particularly liked or disliked any presidents but this guy continually disappoints me with his opinions.
@big blak – you have a point but would't you agree that children who have access to some form of a computer have a lot more opportunity to learn than those who don't?
I don't think machines for games and smartphones should be lumped as so.
@Shockwave562 Yes, but don't you use information devices to absorb information that doesn't really further you as a person? I know I do.
@smartguy I agree.
Well said smartguy
^^thanks. I use my smart device and laptop everyday for work and school. My xbox hasn't been turned on in a while.
I don't think I can go without portable internet ever again.
@rpad – I definitely do. But isn't that my god given right as an American? Why isn't he attacking movies or television? Who said people should avoid entertainment? He sounds more like a priest to me than a president
Hollywood and music have better lobbyists.
@Shockwave562 It absolutely is your right, but it's not like Obama is trying to outlaw these devices. I think there's a huge difference between his suggestion and outlawing salt, for example.
@smartguy I feel you on portable Internet, but it's nice to disconnect every now and then. That's one of my favorite parts about visiting friends and family in Thailand. It's nice to take a break from Internet life every so often.
@smartguy – lol, nice. I'm ok with the fact that he doesn't like video games, it's a generational gap that I find is slowly closing.
But portable computing is a different story. The devices can be fun and all but I can manage almost every aspect of my business using them. I too could never go without the Internet in my pocket again
@ Shockwave
Wow dude I had this nice paragraph going and it didn't send so I am not typing that shit again lol.
@big blak – haha, I don't blame you
@rpad. Ya I probably don't have to take it personally, but I think smartguy nailed it, it's easy for the president to pick on the smaller industries I guess. I think there are bigger problems out there
I think shockwave's first statement summed up what I am mostly thinking…don't judge it if you do not even know how to work the product in question. I find that disturbing that people will take him at his word when he admittedly doesn't know how to use those products.
Conspiracy theory time…Obama is getting payoff money from blackberry…there I said it. People consider Obama the Tech President (I've heard it but I am still trying to remember exactly where). He is the first President that has been allowed to have a personal device, i.e. his blackberry, and is notorious for always having it with him. However he is blaming (to pick on one of the items he mentioned) the ipod touch, which I think we can agree is an iphone without the phone functions, which I use on a daily basis for many of the same things I'm sure the President uses and has used his blackberry for.
On a side note…I would call him a liar if he said he never played the brickbreaker game on his blackberry. LOL.
I've come to the conclusion that video games are the new 'Hollywood" in the spectrum of harmless political boogeymen.