This Week’s Videogame Releases

There’s not a whole lot going on this week in terms of game releases. The only interesting title I see is Splinter Cell: Conviction for Xbox 360. Perhaps I’m missing something, but that appears to be it. Anyway, I’ve played there first few chapters of Conviction and really enjoyed myself…but not in the customary Splinter Cell way. There’s way more of a focus on action and the stealth portions of the game are much more forgiving than in previous installments. You have much more freedom and the game has a broad appeal because of it, but traditionalists might not dig it.

Are any of you picking up Splinter Cell: Conviction? Or are you picking up an older game or a title I forgot about?

Author: RPadTV

99 thoughts on “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

  1. I just picked up crackdown (haven't started it yet) and Call of Duty 4. I finished COD 2 on veteran for my 1000G, so I figured since everyone always talked about modern warfare I would check it out. So far I am through almost the first four levels on veteran with absolutely no problem. I am really hoping this game gets harder because it is not really a challenge at all right now. I am also looking forward to crackdown, and maybe some gears 1 whenever my roommate gets some free time so we can play co-op. There is NO ONE online with that game trying to play through the story missions last time I checked.

  2. Bsukenyan;

    Have you not seen my Gravatar for the past month?! Why didn't you just ask me? I'll go through the whole game with you on co-op. In fact, if you want to do casual or normal, I'll probably have my wife play (since I'm trying to train her in shooters. She went through GoW2 with me). If you want to do hardcore or insane, I'll have to do it with you. I am warning you now, however, insane is… well, INSANE. I could only beat it on co-op with a good partner and General RAAM at the end (on insane) is without a doubt THE most difficult end boss in the history of gaming… or rather, all the games I've ever played. Set aside a couple of days and let me know when it is convenient for you. Send me a message on XBL.


  3. @Iceman

    When I get my internet situation figured out and set up properly again I will definitely send you a message and get something going. I am good at other fps's, but for whatever reason I did horribly when I played Gears 2, so I am thinking normal level and after that maybe I can try a hardcore play through, but hardcore solo campaign on Gears 2 was not the best thing for me.

    I will probably try for sometime at the end of this week (depending on what my weekend plans are) or sometime next week. Mostly depends on my fiance and when my internet for my 360 gets fixed.

    Also, I was meaning to ask you how long it took you to get to level 50 on Shadow Complex. I am stuck at about level 42 or 43, and definitely not the greatest at the hardest difficulty on that game either.

  4. @ Bsukenyan;

    The level 50 on Shadow Complex was complete and utter grinding. This is pretty much what I did several dozen times on Insane difficulty:

    The only thing I did differently was before you kill the walker at the end, jump on top and then over the walker to the next screen going left and punch the big guy (his back should be facing you) when you approach him) on the dock, THEN go back to the previous screen and kill the walker. This video shows you what I mean:

    If you do a combination of the two videos, with the golden guns, and on Insane difficulty, you should level up pretty quickly. It will still take a few hours to get to 50, though. When I was at level 42 or 43, I think it took me a few hours of doing that trick to get to 50. If you put in a good solid half-day of grinding, you can get it out of the way.

    Hope this helps.


  5. I am definitely going to pick up Splinter Cell, just don't know when


    Any predictions about Goodell and the twice accused sexual assaulter?

  6. I'll be picking up Splinter Cell as well today. Personally I have really liked almost every SC game. As long as straight stealth is still an option I'll be pretty happy. Every now and then I like to run and gun too so maybe I'll get more than one play out of the game.

  7. I will have to wait to pick up Splinter Cell. I plan on getting it though. I always feel that I get my money's worth.

    @Big Blak

    Half season suspension heading his way. Pacman got a full season, Holmes has 4 games, Vick got a full season. Plus he is probably pretty butthurt about not being able to suspend the StarCaps guys.

  8. @ Shockwave

    Is it you with the XBL issues or BSU? Anyway I will have that game within the next week, how do you feel about Co-Op campaigning?

    @ Smartguy

    Did you see his minute long apology on ESPN?

  9. @BigBlak

    I refuse to watch a mid 20s millionaire apologize for acting stupid and putting himself in a bad situation. I have no sympathy for him. I have avoided the Tiger Woods crap as well.

  10. @ Big Blak and Smartguy

    I don't think he'll get a half season… a few games definitely, but not that much. And if Goodell doesn't issue it, Rooney will. That's a fact.

    What they are mainly pissed about is the fact that he invited the accuser (20 years old) and her friends in to a VIP area and provided them with shots i.e. giving alcohol to minors. That's the infraction on the conduct standards they can make stick. This is also him "putting himself in those situations" as they have noted as to why he will be disciplined. If Santonio got 4 games, it will probably be similar to that.

    Now, here's the thing that may make it longer… Rooney is even a bigger stickler for conduct than Goodell. If Goodell issues 4 games, it's plausible that Rooney will suspend him longer. Rooney has had some negative light on him recently with Ben, Santonio , AND Jeff Reed. He's the kind of guy that he's gonna want to show that a turd like that won't flush in his club. This is the US Ambassador to Ireland with guys like this under his wing… he may want to press the issue farther than the league does… we'll see.

  11. @N8R

    I'm sticking with the half season idea. The guy has managed to get himself in the news every offseason so far.

    I think Rooney will issue a suspension that won't run concurrent to Goodell's decision.

  12. @ Smartguy

    That's what I meant. I think if Goodell issues 4… it's very plausible that Rooney will issue another 2 to 4 games after that.

    What's the wager at for this by the way?

  13. lol we are betting on Ben's suspension length now? What if he just has to pay one hell of a fine?

  14. @ Smartguy

    Man it was the biggest load of bullshit ever, I could feel his arrogance through the television it made me kind of sick but not to much. I've never really liked him as a player now not as a person.

    @ N8R

    Im waiting on the verdict. This is really an unprecedented moment in the NFL as far as I know. If the punishment isn't stiff enough (haha, stiff) that gives the ok for players to get CAUGHT and have no repercussions for their actions (we all know how men are never mind a pro athlete). Big Ben is no Kobe, he will have to work much harder at his public image seeing as this is his second accusation.

  15. @BigBlak

    I bet it was. I don't know him well enough to totally impugn his character but the guy makes dumb ass decisions nonstop it seems. There are other NFL players who have had to face the music for this kind of behavior. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor or minors should be enough to get him an unpaid vacation this season.

  16. @N8 & SG

    I have a wager but its not monetary. Losers have to refer to everyone on the site as King for a week, yea its kind of weak lol.

  17. @ Big Blak

    First off, you can't punish someone for something you can't prove they did. The league would have a lawsuit if they did that. That's why the alcohol to minors thing is what the focus id on, Ben will admit he did that.

    Here's a story:

    A friend of mine for years had a girlfriend he broke up with. She was mad. She paid a girl to get drunk, walk into his work, ask to use the phone, and then tell the police he raped her. Charges were filed. Newspaper reported the story and named him. His lawyers told him to not tell anyone about the case before the trial (which they do with all criminal cases). At the trial, he had his coworkers as witnesses to what happened and the girl confessed that nothing happened under pressure on the stand. He was cleared of all charges… newspaper didn't run that story.

    Now, did the stigma of that R-word stop there… hell no it didn't. I was one of his only friends that stayed in his corner. All of his other friends had already thrown him away. He ended up moving out of the state because of the way he was treated. I ask people back home when the last time they talked to him was and they say "that guy's in jail" because they never bothered to look in to it farther than that. These are people that knew him his entire life.

    It's an evil stigma that you are helping to perpetuate on Big Ben because your a fan of another team? Come on, dude. That's wrong as hell.

  18. @ N8

    No no no my friend that's not what I am doing. I could care less about the team he plays on. I work with women who have been raped, minors and adults so it hits me harder than most because of my exposure to the subject. My reasoning stems from the fact that this is the second case of sexual assault. How many more women has he had his way with in a forceful manner that didn't come forward? Most women don't report being raped for many factors. That is why I say I don't like him as a person (and the apology didn't help win me over). As for your friend, that is effed up and your a good man for standing by him. I hope this helps you understand where I am coming from.

  19. Your right about the case (assault) I wasn't paying attention about the alcohol to minors because I was 16 purchasing alcohol lol. In that way, yes he is screwed. Are there any charges for that?

  20. @ Big Blak

    I understand where your coming from, I just think you're assuming too much about what did or didn't happen.

    Yeah, I held the same stance I hold now about Kobe too. I don't think OJ did it, and what weirds me out about Michael Jackson, is that he paid to get rid of the case that had a much better chance of sticking.

    What I think happened with Big Ben, is the first allegation that he's fighting came up because the woman strayed too far down the wrong path and now has to stick it out to the end so she doesn't have charges brought against her. Ben's fighting for a reason too.

    There seems to be a current trend of women having sex with pro athletes and wanting to get paid for it. I ain't saying she's a golddigga, but she aint messing with no broke n**gas… you know?

  21. No, there aren't charges for the alcohol to minors because she would have to testify and she expressed that she doesn't want to press the charges further.

    -"Bright stated that investigators' concluded that Roethlisberger "provided shots of alcohol" for the victim and her friends and that they were "highly intoxicated.'' Bright said it is a crime to provide alcohol to a person under 21 but that he would not pursue that misdemeanor against Roethlisberger because he would need the young woman to testify against him and she has asked for the entire case to be dropped."-

  22. @N8

    Dude your right I totally am assuming way to much about this. Why do I even care this much lol? Ok that def cleared up all my confusion. I was only viewing it from the victims perspective eff it! When are we playing some Borderlands and/or Uno and/or scrabble?

  23. @n8r

    also weren't they at a bar? Wouldn't the bar's liquor license get suspended because they also helped in contributing to a minor?

  24. @Big Blak – actually I would like to get in some co-op, I'll be putting a review of the game up on, so i'll need to hit all the areas of the game.

  25. @ Big Blak

    ASAP if it's up to me.

    @ tokz

    I'm wondering that myself. I'm also wondering about underage drinking charges against the female in question and her friends. If there are none, why didn't I spend my summers as a minor in Milledgeville?

    These are all questions inquiring minds want to know.

  26. @n8r

    that's what i'm saying. Milledgeville should be the new spring break hot spot if this bar stays open.

  27. @Big Blak

    that's me with the XB: issues. I had to call my ISP three times before they said they would come and take a look at everything because before that they were just assuming I was inputting all the numbers for my IP, DNS, etc. wrong. So they are supposed to stop by before tomorrow at the latest…I'm not holding my breath though.

  28. @ big blak and N8R – nice, but time is limited for me today as i have softball tonight, I'll probably be on later in the evening.

    @big ben – well the commissioner is going to meet with Ben this week, I imagine he's definitely going to get a reprimand of sorts. Under the player conduct he can be penalized for any action that makes the NFL look bad.

  29. @n8r

    hahaha. That was late April Fools joke right? If that was true about the girl then she would be burnt every day! The sun's rays would be even deadlier to her on a cloudy day. The lengths people go to; to they can get paid.

  30. @Iceman

    I will have to check out those videos soon and see if I can get though all that. I'm not the best at insane difficulty, but I can try it out. I just have to level up to 50 and beat the game with 13% items to complete it. I have a few games that are like that. Shadow Complex, Uno, Braid, and I'm still trying to finish the 1,000,000 point challenge on Peggle. I'm so close on all of those games but they are a little difficult and time consuming at this point (and I can't even play Peggle currently because of my internet issues).

  31. @ N8

    Wave is talking about Splinter Cell, how does 6:30/3:30 sound?

    @ The wave of Shock

    I will get SC on Friday, when is your review due?

  32. @ Big Blak

    I'm down.

    @ tokz

    My favorite part was "and later developed post-traumatic stress and Tourette's syndrome."

    I'm visualizing what's happening in an Erie courtroom right now as:

    Plantiff's attoney: And my client suffered…

    Plantiff: DOGF@#KERS!

    Plantiff's attoney: … post traumatic stress disorder…

    Plantiff: SH*T STAINED C*NTS!

    Plantiff's attoney: … severe burns…

    Plantiff: MARIO LOPEZ!

    Plantiff's attoney: … and as you can see, the obvious Tourette's syndrome.

  33. @N8R

    Wow man that was really funny!

    @ All

    N8R and I will be online tonight at 6:30 EST to play some games on XBL, who is in? Uno, Scrabble, or Borderlands is what Im suggesting.

  34. @smartguy

    I understand that they sold to an adult but it's the bar's responsibility to ensure that all of their customer are 21 years and older. I know some clubs/bars that have had their license suspended because they let in minors that consumed alcohol. It didn't matter that they were using a fake i.d. either.


    ha! Mario Lopez!

  35. @Tokz

    Perhaps things are different where I live, we do have drive-thru daiquiri shops…but the law and i'm paraphrasing says "18 to party, 21 to drink". Translated that says 18 to enter the establishment (usually determined by the proprietor) and the person has to be 21 to purchase alcohol.

    Think of it this way, let's forget a bar. What about a gas station? Grocery Store? If you buy some beer or whatever there and then give it to a minor, even inside the establishment…the purchaser of age is committing a fault, not the seller.

    Like I said, I live in an area that isn't that stick up the ass as other places. I can get a go cup of my drink and leave with it if necessary.

  36. @smartguy

    I see your point but in Illinois the store/gas station would lose it's liquor license for selling to minors. Trust me a lot of Mom and Pop corner stores that would sell liquor to me at the age of 15 and at times it sucked when they would get busted for selling to minors. I'm intrigued by NOLA's drive thru daquiri shops. I regret not going to our organization's Habitat for Humanity campaign in NOLA now. Maybe next year.

  37. @Tokz

    It's all in the wording man. The bar isn't selling to the minor, just the adult. So the liability of distribution is now with the adult. It's the reasonable test. Now if that person was buying the shots or drinks and then making the bartender hand them to the minor, that would be the death nail for them.

    Funny story about wording in NOLA or Louisiana in general. 12 years ago the state wanted to legalize gambling so we could generate new revenue streams. Well a lot of people who were connected to who's who didn't like gambling and the connotations associated with it. The governor at the time Edwin Edwards (Easy E, the most slick tongued guy ever) sent an amendment to the bill back to the legislature and called it "gaming" instead of gambling. Passed damn near unanimously. All in the wording.

  38. @ SHockwave

    “We are currently investigating a freezing issue seen in the title update that was released for Splinter Cell: Conviction on the Xbox 360 this morning. This issue only happens after installing the update and we have asked Microsoft to remove the update for the time being until we can determine the cause and fix the issue. If you have installed the update please remove it and play through the impacted mission again.”

    From Ubisoft

  39. @big blak – thanks for the heads up, i'll be sure not to update. hopefully they have it fixed by friday.

    That story about Segall is as crazy as it is terrible.

  40. @Big Blak

    As weird and horrible that story is, it does seem strange that she would file a civil suit and not a criminal one too or first. This will not go to trial.

  41. @Big Blak

    I'm suprised that Craigslist wasn't on there as a co-defendant or a separate lawsuit. I think if this girl loses her suit or doesn't get enough money out of Seagal then she will turn her greedy eye towards Craigslist.

  42. @smartguy

    i see that point but if she feared for her life and was threatened by Seagal then she should've filed a police report too. Obviously she's just looking for money and that's why she did it but don't make him look like a total monster just for the money and not try to put this "monster" behind bars.

  43. @ Tokz

    Really, how the eff can you sue Craigslist?

    @ Smartguy

    I did not know that.

  44. Better question, why didn't she leave the first time he "assaulted" her? She stuck around for multiple "assaults" before she left. Is it really that normal for them to sleep with their boss over there?

  45. @BigBlak

    In a criminal suit the plaintiff is the state. The state won't collect damages and then award them to you. In a civil suit, you are the plaintiff and can collect damages. One of the big reasons these people go to civil court instead of criminal court is the ability to collect damages. The hope is that the accused will settle outside of court in arbitration. Avoid public record that way.

    I think Craigslist has a disclaimer that relieves them of guilt. They simply provide the medium to advertise, they do not endorse what is sold on their site. They really absolve themselves since they remove a lot of material that does violate their TOS. I don't have an account with them and have no clue what it actually says. I would think it is SOP though.

  46. A couple of my buddies go to school with her, said she's a total hoe. She probably was like he has money maybe he'll give me some to shut up.

  47. Played Splinter Cell Conviction last night (luckily my friend doesn't have internet to update it). we played the Co-Op. I thought it was dreadful. A large part of it was due to the splitting of the screen I am sure (and my friends TV is turning green). But I just didn't care for it. I may try renting it again and playing on my tv but for now I left my rental with him because I would have just returned it. I can't really pin point what I didn't like about it (mostly because we were drinking).

  48. @BigBlak

    Umm.. I pulled down Opera Mini on my iphone and am enjoying it. That's about all I got.

  49. @smartguy

    how are you liking the Opera mini?


    it was! It was a good episode, too!

  50. @tokz

    It's good. Def loads pages much faster than Safari. It loads the page on an Opera server and then sends it to the browser on your phone compressed and decodes it. It's quick, has tabs, and more options than safari. The only thing that is weird about it is communication with a site like this. Some of the comments I submitted never made it here. I don't know if that is a function of the way it handles data, or WordPress disliking Opera.

    I think the multitouch controls on it are also better than Safari.

  51. @ tokz

    I'm a Hurley mark myself, but I was kind of bummed at how he was taking charge. I prefer the "down on his luck/self-esteem issues/batshit crazy" Hurley way better.

  52. @ Smartguy

    I use opera on my Mac for torrents

    @N8 & Tokz

    Is that show really that great? I am going to watch it after this season.

  53. I bought more Love Hina and a replacement mini USB cable for my phone through Ray's Amazon link. The last two Love Hina movies are very pricey right now though. Luckily Amazon had the first one in THEIR inventory.

  54. Hurley's character isn't bad, but I don't like him becoming a leader or serious all of a sudden. That should have been transitioned last season. It feels very forced right now. (Run with it N8R)

  55. @ Smartguy

    I'm sorry, I couldn't read your last comment because it didn't make it over.

    Opera is the #1 free app on iTunes I noticed.

  56. @ Big Blak

    YES! If you started watching them through Netflix now, you'd be caught up by the end of this season (most likely).

    As for this season, I can lead you to a few places to watch them online.

  57. I hate Roger Goodell. That guy is turning the NFL into a primetime reality show. The schedules for next year haven't been released yet because now they are going to do a damn schedule release show. WTF? He f's up my draft party (good excuse to drink a lot of beers and bbq) to make it happen on a Thursday night which won't be nearly as much fun and puts it on a Friday night for which I will miss…now this crap??? I pray to all that will listen that this guy gets caught doing something illegal and has to resign.

  58. @Big Blak

    I think so it covers so many things i like.


    I agree but Hugo's being a leader because no one else can see Jacob and i think he's being used by Smokey. It seems that Smokey has turned into people (and possibly in the past too but more noticeable this season) to use people, i.e. getting ben to kill Jacob by being Alex and saying if he doesn't obey Locke she will come back and kill him. don't forget being Isabella and trying to get Richard to kill Jacob so he can be with this wife again. I think smokey knew of Richard's plan to destroy the plan and got into Hurley's mind to have him stop it.

    @smartguy comment# 70

    that's what she said!

    I'll try out Opera Mini during lunch.

  59. @ Sandrock

    Dude that is one of my favorite shows EVER!!!! I have every episode and the movies.


    Is it better than Dexter?

  60. @BigBlak

    It is not better than Dexter.

    1.Band of Brothers



    4.The Pacific


  61. @ Sandrock

    Holy hell thats CRAZY!!!!!!! A friend of mine made me copies of his set i just had to provide the DVDs.

  62. @sandrock

    I found it somewhat cheaper on, here's the link


    Yeah i didn't know the draft was on Thursday until this morning when Mike and Mike were talking about it, I was like WTF! The NFL draft is not going to beat the NFL or NHL Playoffs in ratings Thursday night. I hope this fails like his let's have the Pro Bowl the week before the SuperBowl and not in Hawaii.

  63. @ Big Blak

    Too different to compare if you ask me. Both great shows.

    @ tokz

    Smokey took the form of Yemi (Eko's brother) but other than that, I think you named the rest of them.

    As for your theory, plausible… but I doubt it. At this point it seems the writers are letting all the cats out of all the bags. This cat was explaining the previously unexplained whispers.

  64. @tokz_21

    Thanks. I like to buy new unless I can see the condition it is in though. They rereleased the TV series relatively recently, so I think a reboxing of the movies is likely.

  65. @Big Blak

    What did you do? Just point to his affected area? or show him a picture of someone infected and were like this is what you have.

  66. So at my job we do STD testing and this guy got tested for the herpes. Our nurses only call people if they have had a positive test result. So he got a call and since im not a nurse I can not tell him that he had a positive test so he asked me "they only call with positive results right?" I then told him yes and then he said the F word.

  67. Oh… that's sad and nasty all at the same time. And I thought my job sucks. Well, not really, but being in a family business does have it's disadvantages. I don't envy nurses at all. They literally do all the sh*t work while doctors take the credit from what I've seen.


  68. @ Big Blak

    There are worse ways you could tell someone they had herpes. It could have gone down like:

    "Well, I have herpes… and I slept with your girl last week… so…."

  69. @N8R

    Either that way or the way that Big Blak had to do it are pretty much the same…process of elimination in both of those ways. I don't know if there is a good way to be told something like that…unless it went something like this- "so when we test for STD's we also test for cancer…the bad news is…you have…herpes and not cancer." Seems a little mean though.

  70. @ bsukenyan

    A nice way to do it… that's a tough one. How about:

    "Was it as good for you as it was for me baby?… That good, huh? Well, I;m glad you enjoyed it, because now you have herpes."

  71. @ A nice way to do it

    I got it:

    "Alright, we're gonna spin the wheel and if it lands on an STD we know you have that you don't, you'll win a million dollars. It just so happens, that every space on the wheel says herpes… and you're a guaranteed winner."

  72. @ A nicer way to do it:

    Have the patient go to the clinic and isolate him in a room or other area. Then, give him/her an open bag of cooked bacon. After that, have a hungry golden retriever enter the room with a sign on its back that reads. "Herpes Detector". Simply inform the patient that anyone whom the dog licks has herpes.

    Seriously, how long can you stay upset with a beautiful golden retriever licking your hands?


  73. @Iceman

    A better way would be for the girl to call you and say she's sorry and that she'll be your sugar mom.

    Never have to work again and you know she will f you since she doesn't have to worry about catching it.

  74. You could get the person on Wheel of Fortune, and the answer to the puzzle is "You've Got Herpes".

  75. @iceman

    To avoid the shit work I guess they could have gone in debt over 100k and went to school for an extra 8 years.

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