Resident Evil: Afterlife Trailer

Here’s a new trailer for Resident Evil: Afterlife. It looks…okay. The new twist this time around is 3D. After seeing the crappy 3D in Clash of the Titans, I’m a little scared of the 3D in RE: Afterlife.

Are any of you fans of the movies? I’ve tried watching them on cable, but I couldn’t get into any of them. Let me know if I’m missing anything.

Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “Resident Evil: Afterlife Trailer”

  1. i'm not impressed but i've already seen the other 3, i might as well continue with it. My gf doesn't like scary movies but for some reason she'll watch the Resident Evil franchise.

  2. Did anyone else not see a single zombie in that trailer? (I'm not counting the Executioner)

  3. @redd75

    yeah that's what these RE movies have become less about zombies more about Alice (Milla).

  4. I like zombie movies, so RE falls into my watch list. First two weren’t half bad, but the third one was stretching it a bit. More zombies please.

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