Fat Princess or Scrabble on Sunday?

I wanted to keep the online gaming going, but had an unexpectedly busy week. One of the results of the week is that I’m going to Asia on Tuesday to produce a shoot. I wanted to get in another RPad.tv Invitational before I left. Fat Princess was slated to be the next PS3 game, while Scrabble was set for the next Xbox 360 game. Are any of you up for playing either on Sunday? If so, please let me know what time.

Author: RPadTV


36 thoughts on “Fat Princess or Scrabble on Sunday?”

  1. I've always wanted to play Fat Princess and this would be a good reason to get it. I would be in for Scrabble to but i would need to get an XBL card and MS points card too. I'm just too lazy to do it. ha!

  2. I agree with tokz, I like supporting the amazon links if I can. $25 for that card is pretty good though. $40 value for almost half price.

    I will probably not be available Sunday though, unfortunately. I will be at my parents house with my fiance, and the only way I would be able to play anything online is if she had to leave early this week (i.e. sunday not early monday morning). But that is not likely, so I will for sure catch the next one. I think tuesday's and wednesday's are good days too if no one else has conflicts with those days.

  3. @Tokz

    I am right there with you on both instances.

    I have considered buying Fat Princess and this would be the final push I needed to get it. (I just put $100 into my PSN account that needs spending too)

    Also I would have to get a gold account and some points.

  4. I'm down for whatever Earsterly time (Sunday is Easter… if that matters). I'll keep checking in.

  5. @ R Pad

    As long as it's not Peeps (no Christian jokes)… I hate those marshmallow abominations.

  6. @Ray

    Yeah those are some of the best. I also really like the starburst jelly beans. I could get sick easily if I ate as much of that stuff as my eyes would let me. My stomach and eyes tend to disagree on things like that.

  7. @Tokz

    I loved the cartoon Tick. I have an unopened talking Tick action figure. And i miss the TV show. Patrick Warburton cracks me up in everything.

  8. I'd be all for Fat Princess on Sun, but, I can't guarantee when I'll get home. The later the better for me, I guess.

  9. Im dizown for scrizabble on XBL, dont own a PS3. I think you Mr. Padilla should set the time and we all go from there.

  10. @rpad
    I would feel bad for not buying it on Amazon through your link. It’s April and I should contribute to your monthly total as i did twice in March.

  11. @ tokz

    I bet if the next poll was about favorite easter candy and it included Cadbury eggs, Peeps, Reese’s eggs and jelly beans… Peeps would come in last.

  12. @ tokz

    Unless those malt ball eggs were part of the same poll… they might be on the same level of gross.

  13. @slicky
    I loved the cartoon as well, I’ve been meaning to post spoon in awhile but waited for the perfect moment. It seemed appropriate for the fat princess post.

    I was referring to Christian the wrestler not the candy. I hate those marshmallow sp? Treats

  14. @ N8;

    Are you kidding? Peeps are probably the most delicious marshmallow confection this side of the Stay Puft man. One day, I’ll have to send you my “Ode to Peeps” poem I wrote back in high school. It will make you a lover of those cute, delectable, “marshmallow abominations”.

    One day, I will convince you to sign up and join us at the Peeps Fan club.


    … Maybe that should be the bet with the next Steelers v. Dolphins game. Then again, that would be a benefit, not a punishment.


  15. Well at this point it seems like it wouldn't matter about playing online, I haven't been able to connect to XBL for a few days now, and I still can't figure out the problem. I hook my 360 up directly to an ethernet connection point in the wall in my apartment (every room has one) and our wireless network is run off one of my roommates routers, so I still have wireless internet. But anytime anything is connected directly into my wall, it has no signal. It's starting to get me just a little upset.

  16. ps- I also know where I stand on DRM…hate it. I can't play Peggle, Marble Blast Ultra, or most of my other XBLA games right now because of this connection problem. My 360 is only recognizing those games as trial's and not full games. That is complete bull5h!7 in my opinion.

  17. @Ray – You picked the wrong weekend for Fatty P :( I would love to play but Sunday is the last official day in my apartment cause we head out Monday morning for Arkansas. So I won’t get to be online for a couple of days to up to a week. D:

  18. So as I mentioned earlier, my 360 has not been able to connect to online. My dashboard just says dsconnected from xbox live, and there is a connection error somewhere despite using three different ethernet cords, three different ethernet jacks in the wall, and two different xbox’s (my roommates xbox profile is doing the same thing right now too). So I [foolishly] went to Best Buy just a block away to see if maybe by a stretch of the imagination and a miracle combined could help me figure something out. Also, I have a new [to me] router that also will not connect to the internet through any of those same ethernet jacks. So the friendly and intelligent people at Best Buy told me that my connection problem was because I did not have a gold membership, and the gold membership cards were just down this aisle and I only needed to buy one of those to connect again. After about 5-10 minutes of trying to convince the salesperson that this was not the case, I was told about a server crash due to the MW2 DLC, and I should be back online in a couple days.

    I know that this is not the case, because otherwise my router would be working. Unless I completely messed up the router. So now I am trying to figure out where to go to figure out how to fix this. One of my friends told me I should have gone to Sony to ask my questions instead of Best Buy, I think he was right.

  19. @ bsukenyan

    Call your ISP. They are the people you are paying to have it, therefore it is in their best interest to help you out. Chances are it’s a loose wire or a short in the line coming from the jacks in your house. i.e. the problem is probably in the wall.

    @ scrabble

    Has a time been picked yet?

  20. @N8R

    I was thinking it was in the wall as well, that was the only thing that was consistent enough to make sense with all of this. I will have to try calling them to see if I can get it all figured out. Thanks for the help though!

  21. @Smartguy

    To try and get it all explained clearly…All of the rooms in my apartment have ethernet jacks that we are supposed to be able to plug directly into to access the internet (via laptop, router, or xbox, etc) and that normally works. My roommate has a router set up in his room that provides the access for our apartment, and that still works right now. I normally have my 360 plugged in and it normally works, but now it is not. It also does not work running through a couple other ethernet jacks in the apartment. I also tried to set up my own router in my room to run my laptop and my 360 through so that I could use windows media center. But currently nothing is working through the ethernet jack in my room. I have gone on xbox.com and drun through all of the steps they recommend, and also steps that other websites have suggested. I have tried changing DNS settings when recommended, and have tried different ethernet cords and jacks throughout my apartment just to see if that was any part of the problem.

    So far I am still stuck with no connection, and a bunch of recommendations to contact my ISP tomorrow when they open, which I plan to do. I have no clue what they need to do, or if there is anything else that I could do. With the router, when I hook it up it shows up as a wireless network that my laptop can find, and it can connect, but it just says that there is no internet connectivity. This is not my area of expertise at all, so I am very confused as to why this seemingly all of a sudden happened to me.

  22. @Bsukenyan
    Is it only the xbox that won’t see the internet through your ethernet connection? Have you tried a modem and a computer to see if you are pulling DHCP? If you are pulling DHCP then it is either a closed port on your new modem/router or you need to dump the cache on your xbox.

    If you aren’t pulling DHCP then that would be an ISP issue. There should be no reason for provisioning to falter, but then again…mucking it up is job security.

  23. @Bsukenyan
    If you can connect to a network but not see the DNS then that is on the provider side. Nothing much you can do unless you know how to provision a line. Goodluck

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