Housekeeping: Off to San Francisco for FFXIII and GDC 2010

In about two hours I’ll be doing to subway/LAX Flyaway Shuttle combo to catch my flight to San Francisco for the Final Fantasy XIII launch party and Game Developers Conference 2010. I’m excited to go, catch up with friends, and visit my old home, but part of me wishes I was stuck at home this week for FFXIII, Pokemon SoulSilver, the TNA/WWE wars, and American Idol. Ha!

While I’m gone, I’m counting on you guys and gals to keep me informed of what’s going on in the world outside of GDC. You’ve been doing a phenomenal job of keeping me informed on Lost — so much so that I don’t actually have to watch it. I’m really looking forward to your reactions on TNA/WWE going head-to-head (Sting, Jeff Hardy, and RVD on TNA tonight?!?).

I’ll be posting stories, previews, and lots of pictures from San Francisco. It’ll be like you’re going to GDC with me! When I get back, I promise there will be Xbox Live Arcade Uno!!! There’s some Newcastle Brown and Boddington’s in the fridge. Try not to burn the place down.

Author: RPadTV

33 thoughts on “Housekeeping: Off to San Francisco for FFXIII and GDC 2010”

  1. @Hrolf Thanks very much! It should be an interesting show. Enthusiast gamers will be interested in the OnLive and motion-controller stuff, but there's a ton of mobile and social gaming going on. The makeup of this year's show is quite different.

  2. RVD on TNA Whaaaaa! Looks like I'll be watching TNA tonight

    Have a safe trip Rpad and remember to bring your umbrella it's been raining here in S.F the last couple of days

    1. @Insomniascwaltz Crap. I did not bring an umbrella. My knee is better, but I still get super nervous walking on wet surfaces.

      (From my BlackBerry!)

  3. have a safe trip Rpad. I'll try to post WWE/TNA updates if RROD or anyone else doesn't beat me to it. I"m expecting some awesome pics from the FFxIII launch party since i didn't win :(

  4. Yeah R Pad, have a safe flight, don't get TOO flirty with the flight attendants, and stash the good stuff in your shoes.

    I'm with Insomniac Waltz, I might just have to check out RVD aka Mr. Monday Night aka The Whole F%#kin' Show tonight.

  5. @Smartguy

    I found out they were doing that a while back. I am actively looking for the article again, but it is just happening to this phone. The other 4 Android phones are going to be "crippled" like this one. At least that is what I had previously heard.

  6. You also have to have a $30 data plan on it. With a 2 year contract.

    Question: If you were to buy the phone outright from them, can you avoid the data plan? Cheap device doesn't merit the expense in my opinion.

  7. that's so horrible. i really hate how there is a premium on voice for "smart" devices. I also don't understand why any device with a slider keyboard is considered enhanced. My sister wants one just to text, but doesn't want to incur the data charge.

  8. @Sandrock

    The IMEI number will show up eventually and you can be charged. I believe it can be avoided if you buy a device that is sold by TMobile only then you should be able to avoid the IMEI ratting you out.

  9. @sandrock

    Smartguy is correct. This is the reason why i told Smartguy that he would be billed whether he bought the phone outright or not.


    I haven't heard of using Tmobile phones but in theory it should work.

  10. Did anyone catch the WWE/TNA last night?

    I thought they were both pretty lame last night. Criss Angel and his tricks bogged down the show. As for TNA Flair and Hogan showed me why it's important to retire while you're at the top of your game. If TNA puts out more crap like they did yesterday they will not win.

  11. @tokz

    Totally agree with you about the Monday night wars. I already said that TNA don't stand a chance at competing with the WWE if all they have is 50 and 60 year old wrestles who can barely walk to the ring as your main event. They picked the wrong time to challenge the WWE when the WWE is putting together their best stuff for Wrestlemania. I agree that Chriss Angel brought the show down but next week will be great with Stone Cold as guest host. TNA better have something better than two senior citizens as headlining the show.

  12. @RROD

    Yeah i don't know what was worse SyxxPac not selling Eric Young and missing every spot or Brooke Hogan's acting.

  13. @ TNA

    I was happy as hell to see RVD on TV again. I'm highly anticipating seeing more of him. He also sells moves better than he used to apparently.

    @ WWE

    I hope Stone Cold totally kicks ass. I'm highly anticipating that as well. If RAW starts out with glass shattering and Stone Cold bobbing his head down to the ring… I might get goosebumps. He needs to kick CM Punk's ass and drink some beers though.

  14. @tokz

    That's another problem I have with Hogan. He's tried very hard to make Brooke a star and failed on all attempts to make her a star so now she has to get air time on TNA. I'm afraid we'll have to watch her bad acting every week now as long as Hogan is in the ring.

  15. @rpad

    You're welcome. we tried. I'm surprised that you think Sting turning heel is significant. I really could careless about his turn. Maybe it's because i've never been a Sting mark.

  16. wow att&t is getting pretty full of themselves. If i wasn’t getting a discount on their mobile service I would’ve left them a long time ago.

  17. @smartguy
    No, even if you buy the device outright and still use at&t service you will still have to pay the $30 data plan.

  18. @smartguy
    Well they do have a couple of phones with slide keyboards that you don’t have to pay that $30 fee.

  19. @Smarguy
    If you don’t buy it from them, then they can’t do anything. They can’t charge you extra or make you up you plan. In store however, they can refuse to sell you the phone unless you do what they want.

  20. @n8r
    It was good to see RVD too bad he had to get beat up by Sting afterwards. I feel that kind of ruined the excitement of TNA getting RVD back. Way to sell us RVD coming back TNA. Stone Cold guest hosting gives WWE writers more leeway (sp?) to do take a chance. The Rattlesnake is supposed to be unpredicatable so it should make for an exciting night.

    That’s not my only issue with yesterday’s TNA show. Why are they insisting on bringing back Scott Hall. Was it me or did he appear to be drunk again? Who is still asking to see this guy wrestle/perform? Also, Shannon Moore already getting a title shot at Destination X. Come on! TNA will never get anything going if they try to give the strap to Vince’s rejects. He let them go for a reason. okay so that was two.

  21. @tokz

    I agree with you about Scott Hall but TNA needs him for his name recognition. TNA should have learned from WCW that you can’t beat the WWE with the WWE’s rejects as your main eventers.

  22. @RROD
    I don’t TNA needs him anymore, even for name recognition. Most of the crowd that follows wrestling knows how he is away from the ring and knows that he will never get it together again like he did his first 2 or 3 years with WCW.

    has anyone gotten around to playing FFXIII for the PS3? I’m still at work and i’m dying to hear first impressions.

  23. Thanks for your thoughts on TNA Impact and WWE Monday Night Raw! I read some recaps on the dirt sheets, but it was cooler to get your opinions. Going purely based on what I read, TNA didn’t make the most of RVD, but did well with Jeff Hardy. Raw started off hot with ‘Taker and HBK, but kind of fizzled after that.

  24. @rpad
    I think if TNA would’ve sold it better, I would’ve appreciated it more. There may be wrestlers i don’t like but if the story line is good or if they sell it well, i’ll bite. I didn’t like CM Punk but this new angle he’s got going his actually making me like him. *dont tell anyone*

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