Presidential Housekeeping

– Yeah, I totally forgot it was Presidents Day. I was wondering why my inbox wasn’t flooded with the normal Monday press releases and PR people weren’t picking up the phone. Ha!

– Some of you might have noticed a large Amazon box after every post and before the comments section. It’s a new feature I’m trying out. It’s kind of big and obnoxious, but it’s also pretty useful. You can search Amazon without having to leave! Try it out and let me know what you think. If it bothers you, I’ll remove it.

– Last week I posted two interesting videos. This super cool Super Street Fighter IV video didn’t get a lot of traffic, but it’s awesome and I recommend that you watch it. This Leona Lewis Final Fantasy XIII video got a bunch of views thanks to N4G.

– I started using a new advertising company last week. So far it appears to be much better than the last one. Hopefully it picks up.

– Traffic last week was strange. Monday through Wednesday things were pretty slow, which made me enter the “what the hell am I doing?” zone. Thursday and Friday were much, much better and totally saved my week/sanity.

– I’m set to go to DICE this week and I should have some fun interviews lined up. There’s a slight chance I won’t make it because I’m having hotel issues and don’t want to be schlepping around the outskirts of Vegas with a bad knee. Hopefully I’ll sort it all out today. Once I do, I’ll be asking for your question, naturally.

Author: RPadTV

10 thoughts on “Presidential Housekeeping”

  1. @rpad.

    I like the box too, you can search for other things just in case you wanted to get something else besides games. Are you going to have a (not) a review of the Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths animated movie?

  2. @tokz

    I watched Crisis on Two Earths like 3 days ago. One good thing about being a blockbuster employee I get movies a few days early to watch them.Anyway it wasn't that bad, had a good amount of action, decent story. It was basically like The regular JL goes to help out a world where the JL is the Italian mob.

  3. Thank you very much Rpad. I finally got to see Planet Hulk and it was meh. It left me wanting more. Maybe that was Marvel’s intention?

  4. @rpad.
    no, i haven’t gotten around to ordering it yet. I was tempted to pick it up at my local comic shop but it was $30 something dollars and also I didn’t want to cheat you from your money, since you recommended it after all.

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