Apple Store Down Worldwide, Speculate Now!

The Apple Store is down across the globe, which means Apple is adding something new! I’m hoping for a MacBook Pro with an i5 or i7 Intel processor. What do you think is coming? Let the speculation begin!!!

Author: RPadTV

11 thoughts on “Apple Store Down Worldwide, Speculate Now!”

  1. @N8R – sounds like the most important thing ever released. Magical, wonderful, full of promise.

  2. The Apple news outlets I follow have been speculating about an imminent refresh of the MacBook Pro, one that will probably render my current MBP old news. (As it is, mine is the 2nd newest generation, but the last refresh was so minimal in difference that I still see it as current gen. Not to mention, I prefer having the removable battery.)

    Luckily, I'm applying to the Berklee College of Music for the fall, and they (technically) give all the new students brand spankin' new MBPs, so if they update it with an i5 or an i7… oh happy day.

  3. The iLog.

    It rolls downstairs,
    alone or in pairs,
    rolls over your neighbors dog,
    it’s great for a snack,
    it fits on your back,
    it’s iLog, iLog, iLog

    It’s iLog, iLog,
    it’s big, it’s heavy, it’s constructed of holy polymer plastics,
    it’s iLog, iLog,
    It’s better then bad it’s good.

    Wow. And to think I haven’t seen Ren and Stimpy since I was a kid.

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