What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Another week…another gaming weekend! I’m looking forward to curling up with my games this weekend, partially because there’s some stuff I really want to play and partially because I’m totally over this rain (come on Los Angeles!!!). I’m thrilled that Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgement was released for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. I love, Love, LOVE “tactics”-style games and I’m sure this one will captivate me.

For quickie game sessions, I know I’ll be playing Skee Ball on my (sim-less) iPhone. It’s so simple and so addictive — absolutely perfect for a cheap iPhone game. There was this one time (not at band camp) when I meant to play the game for five minutes…and ended up playing for two hours. So yeah, I kind of dig this one.

As always, I want to know what’s on your weekend playlist!

Author: RPadTV


52 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. Finishing up one last playthrough for Mass Effect 1. Decided I needed a girl Shepard to go along with my male Engineer. Tuesday can not come fast enough.

  2. Well, I'll be spending some time on my DS since I have to travel home for the weekend and help take care of my mom. She slipped and fell down the stairs in her garage and banged herself up good. I might pack good ol Castlevania: Symphonia of the Night b/c I left my old Playstation with her so she could play games when she felt like it. Guess it'll be a good time to put some hours into Spirit Tracks and The World Ends With You.

  3. I rented Army of Two 40th Day and Darksiders on Wednesday, but I still haven't had time to play them so hopefully those will get used otherwise I just wasted some money.

  4. Probably going to finish the Ballad of Gay Tony, that game is more fun than GTA4. it's a shame a lot of that was left out of the original title

  5. I've got 6 characters for Mass Effect….one fore each class. The Infiltrator is my "main" Shepard, since it was my first playthrough and thus the most "pure" as far as which decisions I made. I try to play my first playthrough in games like this in neither a straight "good" of "evil" way, but try to respond to the choices presented to me in the way the seems to make the most sense to "me," so to speak. Then I go back and do the purely good or purely evil playthroughs later.

  6. it would be nice to get through another mass effect run but I'd just half-ass it and I've got a few really good saves to cross over

  7. @Shockwave: I'm probably gonna skip a lot of the side missions on this playthrough since I'm leveling up my Sentinel character who's already at lvl 58 with Feros, Noveria, Virmire and Ilos still to play. Once youa get to LV 60, there's not a lot of point to some of them. BDTS & PS really help bump up the EXP you gain per playthrough.

  8. @nigthshade – that brings up an interesting question, if you've beaten the game several times with a character does that mean it will take the latest save from them when it transfers?

  9. @ Shockwave: I believe it's just like when you boot up ME1 in that you can choose which save to port over, even between multiple saves for the same character. I believe it maxes out at 11 saves that you can carry over. I'll probably just take the first playthrough with each character and my New Game Plus's will just have been superfluous.

  10. @Nightshade – I am the exact same way with my playthroughs. My main was a male engineer, and there were a number of choices I made simply because they felt right rather then because they were paragon or renegade. Depending upon the time I have this weekend, I might blow through a plain soldier campaign and make that my renegade playthrough since I have yet to complete one. We'll see though. I always feel so guilty with the "mean" choices… I am such a dork.

  11. I really want to play Mass Effect. It must be really good the way you guys are so excited for it. I hope they decide to make the PS3 version so I can play it. I know I can play it on PC but my PC is old and would take a lot of updating to play games.

  12. @Larcenous: Some of the Renegade dialog choices are really funny. It's worth it for that alone.

    @RRoD: The way you feel about Uncharted 2….that's how I feel about Mass Effect. Rent it and play it at a friend's house if you must.

  13. @Smartguy

    You bet. If my Falcons can't win it then I pull for whatever NFC South team that's still alive. Plus, I hate Brett Favre. He's the most overrated QB in league history. He's the all time interception leader. I think Sanchise finally gives the game away this weekend.

  14. I'm pulling for the Saints from here on out myself.

    Although the part of me that's totally sick of Brett Favre is hoping the Vikings lose to the Jets in the Super Bowl as a way of thanking him for totally tanking down the stretch on them last year. My Step Father's a huge Jet's fan, so as such I've got a bit of a soft spot for them as well. Probably also explains why I hate the Dolphins so much…..


    I was originally hoping that the Packers would get a chance to knock them out of the playoffs in a bit of sweet revenge, but that didn't work out.

  15. @RROD

    Maybe they could make a ME2+1. Remake ME1 using ME2 updated game engine and slap it on the same disc as ME2. Now we just need a petition sent to EA to make this happen. Muhahahaha

  16. It's "Sanchez", you gringos. Unless you meant it as a joke, in which case; sorry. Good luck this weekend, Smartguy. I think the Saints and the Vikings game is going to be better than the actual Super Bowl.

    @ topic;

    Nothing… unless it's on my iPhone since I'm moving into my new house this weekend and I will not have time to play anything. Also, I don't have any furniture to put my LCD on, so I'm going to have to start finding some wall mounts. Does anybody know where I can go to learn about how to wall mount a TV? I've never done it before. I have concrete walls and drywalls with aluminum studs.


  17. I'm playing Darksiders and some MW2 for the PS3. I'll try to squeeze in some more game time for FN: Round 4 but who knows. I have to catch up to my friend who just got MW2 for Xmas and is already at level 57 and i'm just on 53. ( I got this game Day 5 of it's release)

    I'm also hoping for the Saints and Jets to win. It would be a battle of opposites for the Super Bowl. The Best overall defense against the best overall offense. Hopefully, we get to see what happens when an unstoppable force meets an inmoveable object.

  18. I hate to say it, but I think the Saints & Colts offensive explosion would probably be the most exciting potential Super Bowl game to watch. Besides, it would be nice to see a couple of #1 seeds play each other for a change.

  19. @Sandrock

    If that happens it a day 1 purchase for me.


    You and me both pal. I wanted nothing more than to see Aaron Rogers beat Brett in the playoffs and send the old man home. That would have been sweet.

  20. I do want to see the Jets beat the Colts just for the Colts being stupid and giving up on a perfect season and not sending home the Jets when they had the chance. I hope this bites the Colts in the butt.


    Reggie Bush finally looked like a 2nd overall pick last week but I think his head is getting too big. Even the last guy on the roster will have a great game eventually.

  21. He's been like that all season. Payton hasn't been using him. Realize also that he was still recovering from microfracture surgery.

    Bush = unstoppable now

  22. Oh snap, got internetz back. But I'm still stuck at work *grumble* If you guys add me on PSN (CamiKitten) put a msg in it or I'll forget who you are D:

  23. I don't need the Colts to lose RROD, lol. My house has been peaceful even w/o the perfect season.

  24. @Everyone: So if a couple of your fellow posters around here (shockwave & myself) just happened to be working on developer interviews for a couple of upcoming PS3 Exclusives (Heavy Rain & White Knight Chronicles respectively), what questions would you guys want us to ask?

  25. I am going to play Bayonetta and Army of Two the 40th day. I can't get enough of those two games.

  26. @Nightshade – Why "Heavy Rain" and not "Origami Sunset"?

    That's all I got. I have heard of White Knight but not sure what it's all about.

  27. @Larcenous: White Knight is a JRPG. Sold well enough in Japan alone that they've already announced a sequel before the first one comes out here early next month.

  28. go jets because the colts are quitters and i will be playing little big planet and god of war

  29. @redtailman. Go colts, they lost to the jets when they didn't use peyton manning. That will change this weekend. They do have a poor showing in the offseason tradtionally (for as long as I can rememer at least) but I think they have the potential to change that his year.

  30. @topic. Maybe some madden, and finishing up my under 30 hour playthrough of GTA4 along with a lot of the extra challenges on the game. Just beat it for the first time last night, I'm halfway done with my second playthrough already though.

  31. @Nightshade

    Dude, I have no interest in either of those games, sorry I can't contribute to your interview.

  32. I'll be having one final play-through of Bioshock to re familiarize myself with the world of Rapture. And I'll be doing it on my PS3. Because I can't play the copy I own on xbox due to the fact it has crapped out for the 5th time.

  33. @ tokz_21;

    Thanks for the link, man. I have some wall mount bracket comparison shopping to do now.

    @ Nightshade;

    Are we going to see more games like Heavy Rain or is the game like a one-time experimental project?


  34. @Nightshade

    Question: Will you next game be along the same lines as Heavy Rain or will it be a totally different experience?

  35. Im gonna work on Batman AA as I am near the end, and need to replay through on hard. Spiderman WOS, and Mass Effect 1. I might try to get back into Fallout 3 as well, though I doubt there will be time.

    Mass Effect is fantastic. MY only gripe is how long it takes for you to get into the actual game. BUT I am the guy that walks around the Citadel and does as much as possible before leaving port..

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