Square Enix Counting Down to FFXIII Trailer…Really?!?

FFXIII Trailer countdown

Continuing the ridiculous Japanese publisher trend of counting down to everything known to man, the official Final Fantasy XIII web site is counting down to the final trailer that will be released before the game hits shelves in December. Really Square Enix? Really?!? I’m amped for this game and I’m looking forward to the new trailer, but I don’t need a frickin’ countdown clock for it.

Now please excuse me, I have to pee in 5…4…3…


Author: RPadTV


7 thoughts on “Square Enix Counting Down to FFXIII Trailer…Really?!?”

  1. A countdown?


    How original once again!

    I still <3 SE tho haha.

    @rbee90 – Shhhhh, SE will hear you! Plus I think they've done that. Now I can't remember.

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