Android KitKat Video Mocks Apple Jony Ive

Google has released a promotional video for Android KitKat (4.4) and it’s hilarious. The clip (embedded below) features a fictitious executive named Christopher Catlin, who is the chief breaks officer. Catlin’s tone and mannerisms are clearly a (playful?) jab at Apple senior vice president Jony Ive, the man responsible for the design of the MacBook Pro, iMac, MacBook Air, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iOS 7.

Catlin uses elaborate descriptives to hype up…a candy bar. He eloquently waxes about the virtues of the chocolate bar’s industrial design, somewhat similarly to how Jony Ive extolled the virtues of the iPhone 5. It’s a delightfully satirical video that pokes fun at a rival…and makes me want to eat a Kit Kat bar. To be fair, I’ve also embedded Apple’s iPhone 5 trailer, which features Jony Ive. Watch both clips to see if chief breaks office Christopher Catlin is truly the Jony Ive of chocolate bars.

Here are some choice lines from the Android KitKat video:

Every corner. Every edge. Every finger of every bar has been carefully considered and crafted to create a beautifully immersive and multi-sensory experience.

With adjustable orientation, it works perfectly in portrait or landscape for a truly panoramic taste experience that will leave you up in a cloud.

It’s an extremely unequivocal 10mm thick, one finger long, and four fingers wide.

KitKat 4.4 is the perfect second-screen companion, compatible with all liquid accessories.

I’m a fan of Apple and Google, so I have no dog in this fight. That said, I found the Android KitKat video nerdily entertaining. It reminds me of pretentious reviews I’ve read for cigars and wine. My disdain for pretentious wine critics is one of the reasons I try to stick to basic terminology in my vaping e-liquid reviews.

Anyway, check out the Android KitKat clip when you have a chance and let me know what you think (please!).

Author: RPadTV