The Walking Dead SNL Racial Profiling

Here’s a fun Saturday Night Live sketch that has been getting a lot of play in the nerd world. It’s a parody of The Walking Dead that pokes fun at racial profiling and political correctness. While I found it funny, most of the Internet thinks it’s way funnier. Check out the clip below and see for yourself. Personally, I don’t trust anyone that does the “Thriller” dance.

Author: RPadTV

2 thoughts on “The Walking Dead SNL Racial Profiling”

  1. It was funny but Kevin Hart’s delivery made those jokes funnier than they should have been

    1. Good call Tokz. I was trying to figure out why everyone thought this was funnier than I did and you helped me figure it out. The stuff I like from SNL is almost always writing based. This sketch works because of Hart’s performance.

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