Captain Planet Live Action Trailer

No, this isn’t the hilarious Funnie or Die clip starring Don Cheadle. This is an honest to goodness live-action (fan-made) trailer for a Captain Planet movie! The quality is pretty high for a fan-made video. Highlights include Wheeler (fire) dealing with alcoholism and Ma-Ti’s powers (heart) still sucking. Kwame (earth) seems to be the best actor of the bunch and he helps compensate for Linka’s (wind) lack of a comedically overdone Russian accent. Sadly, Captain Planet’s trademark mullet is nowhere to be found. I’m pretty sure 78 percent of his powers came from his mullet. Bummer.

Anyway, check out the trailer and let me know what you think (please!).

Author: RPadTV

3 thoughts on “Captain Planet Live Action Trailer”

  1. If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of Al Gore climaxing in his pants after watching this.

    Great production quality. Oh, and I’m pretty sure that his mullet gave him at least 90% of his powers… well, his powers of coolness, anyway.

  2. Thank you for making this!!! I love Captain Planet and the theme song, hope they didn’t change it. :)

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