Amazon GameCircle Brings Achievements, Leaderboards

Amazon has introduced GameCircle for the Kindle Fire and future Amazon Android products. The service offers achievements, leaderboards, and cloud saves, similar to Apple’s Game Center, Microsoft’s Xbox Live, and Sony’s PlayStation Network. The GameCircle API has been released to developers and will be implemented in Amazon App Store games soon.

On the positive side, this is great for Kindle Fire owners. I’m totally down for anything that makes gaming more fun and GameCircle definitely fits that description. From Amazon’s standpoint, it helps keep customers in the Amazon ecosystem by offering a fun differentiator. Android detractors will point to this initiative as another form of fragmentation. I don’t think the last point matters too much though; Kindle Fire users seem content to play in Amazon’s sandbox and (generally) don’t need the broadness of general Android products.

I know that a few of you own Kindle Fire tablets. How do you feel about GameCircle? For those of you that don’t, what do you think GameCircle brings to the table?

Source via TechCrunch

Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “Amazon GameCircle Brings Achievements, Leaderboards”

  1. What games? I honestly do not see the point. They have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to games in their app marketplace and although this is probably a good step forward, I would prefer better games and more verity than they currently have. It has been a long time since I checked their app marketplace and found anything I wanted.

    1. It's up to the developers to implement GameCircle. I imagine the big players will do it and Amazon will make some deals to ensure it gets implemented. When this gets going, I see more games features on Amazon App Store front page to be using it.

      1. Honestly outside of Words with Friends I don't do multiplayer games on iOS. So it can stay hidden :P

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