What Are You Playing This Weekend?

My Diablo III beta key arrived earlier this week and I’ve barely spent time with the game. That changes this weekend. I plan to play the hell out of the beta. I’m also toying with going to an Apple Store and seeing if one of the Geniuses will let me try the game on a high-end iMac. Yeah, I can’t afford one at the moment, but I’m curious to see how the game runs on a fully-loaded 27-inch iMac. Maybe I should fly to RPadholic TheJediRevan’s store….

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


31 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

    1. Can I take you up on this offer in a few months (when I get the game)? I think you are one of the few people from this site that I have yet to play a real game with.

      I loved horde mode in GoW 2 and when I saw the new Horde 2.0 preview online, I damn near wet myself as I was picking my jaw up off the floor. It looks sick. I developed a great, fail-proof strategy in horde mode called "hide behind the guy that's good". Ha, j/k. Seriously, though, I'd love to play with you when I get the game.


      1. Sounds good. My own role in Horde (or Firefight for that matter) is the guy that holds the good spot and provides covering fire while everyone else goes out and does the crazy stuff. I tend to not care how many kills I get so long as I hold the good ground and everyone survives to the next stage.

  1. I picked up last year's The Show. I'll probably be messing with that and doing the Fallout New Vegas thing. I'm playing though the Old World Blues expansion now and it's absolutely hilarious.

  2. I'm going to work on finishing the Shivering Isles this weekend and The Legend of Zelda for 3DS. A friend let me borrow his while he plays Kingdom Hearts on the PSP. I'm on Dungeon 8 BTW.

  3. finally got internet so I will be playing something online this weekend. Unfortunately I work all day tomorrow (noon to midnight or 1am) so I will be dead tired afterwards meaning no gaming. I'm probably just going to play CoD, and maybe some more GTA4 which I've been playing again for some reason.

    1. If you play GTA IV online, let me know. I've never touched the multiplayer on that game, but I may be willing to give it a shot if I have a wingman… or if you need someone to serve as a decoy for you.


      1. I've only played online a couple times, the MP really isn't that good and was a little laggy even with a great connection. I'm playing some of Duke Nukem right now before I go return it (not because it's horrible, but because that way I can play the game and get my money back using the reasoning that the game just isn't that good).

      2. I'll jump in to that. I hit level 8 like a month after the game's release and never looked back.

        My favorite is the GTA races, but you don't level up very fast doing them.

  4. I don't know how many people will get this, but…

    A couple of nights ago, my wife and I were discussing her CPA exam and she was having some trouble beating the curve of the auditing test. We go into a lengthily discussion of test-taking strategies and the logistics of her studying. I'm trying to be supportive in giving her a motivational speech, but I just end up saying: "Baby, you need to 3-bat that test. Up to now, you've only gotten two bats." She started cracking up, laughing hysterically.

    Since she's seen me playing Batman: AA's challenge maps for the past two weeks, she's become somewhat of a "backseat coach" to me. I don't know if it's paid off or not, but I will 100% complete this game by this weekend. I've already beaten the two hardest challenge maps (Shock & Awe + Shock & Awe Extreme) last night in a triumphant roar of controller-shattering, fist-pumping glory (that consequently woke up the baby). All I have is one bat/medal left on Sewer Bat Extreme and I will totally be THE F'ING BAT, MAN!


    1. nice, I just couldn't not beat even the easy challenge maps. That and beating the game on hard mode didn't seem too appealing to me. I like the analogy you gave her though, lol.

      1. I was having a hell of a time with the challenge maps myself. I couldn't beat the easy ones either until I found out that all this time, I've been "fighting wrong". Batman: AA has a very particular trick to fighting that once you figure out, you literally become a beast. The game becomes a lot more fun and a lot easier.

        Still, even after learning how to fight properly, the challenge maps were still a challenge (especially the extreme ones). All it takes is a bit of practice after you start fighting the right way. I was explaining it to N8 the other night when I had my "eureka" moment.

        As awesome as Batman: AA is, once you learn how to fight properly, the game becomes SO much better, which is not easy to do since the game is already great in it's own right.


      2. Dude, I can flawlessly freeflow through many of the stages easy. Especially that first level.

        It's the fourth stages of the extreme levels that put me down. What's really sad, is I've now duplicated most of the achievements in that game since I had the launch version and the GOTY version.

      3. No map is harder than Shock & Awe Extreme. If you can just finish that map, you shouldn't have a problem with the other ones. Out of the 60+ times I played that map, I probably finished it three or four times. The sad part is that on the later runs, I was racking up 3 bats by the fourth round, but I couldn't finish the round. I can't think of anything more frustrating than that. Also, if I didn't get an amazing score on the first round, I would always reset. That gives me some breathing room to mess up on the later rounds (and I would ALWAYS have one really crappy round).

        For most of the round 4's on the extreme maps, what worked for me is starting off immediately with the batclaw (and let the guys fall down), then batarang (or counter, whichever comes first), then start building up the combo from one side of the room systematically to the other (start with the side that doesn't have any shock stick or knife guys). Once you get three critical hits in a row, do an instant takedown on a knife guy or shock stick guy ASAP. The great thing about the Y+B instant takedown is that the time slows down and it gives you a chance to move the camera around and plan your next three hits to get another instant takedown. Rinse and repeat doing nothing but critical hits and instant takedowns with the occasisonal jump dodge over a guy (double tap "A") and counter. In fact, if you are surrounded and you are getting overwhelmed by a crowd, jump dodge over people constantly to get out to the edge of the group (I don't counter that much) and keep whittling away. As long as you jump dodge over someone, the counter on your combo meter will reset so you won't lose it. Once you have the group down to a manageable size, take 'em down however you want, but always try to end the round in a high combo and ground pound (RT+Y) since it has a 100X multiplier.

        Don't let any guys open the gun lockers (especially in the early rounds). Treat the guys opening the gun lockers like knife guys or shock stick guys. The exception is Shock & Awe since it would waste too much time going after that guy. Plus, the fighting area is so small, that you shouldn't have a problem taking out someone that picks up the gun. All of this assumes that you have fully upgraded Batman's combo moves and get nothing but critical hits after your third consecutive hit… because it's absolutely necessary.

        I just completed this game last night (thus, fulfilling my promise to 100% complete the game as I mentioned in a previous post) and I f'n love it even if the challenge maps were really unbalanced from the predator maps. To celebrate my meaningless victory, I think I'm going to go out and do all of my errands today in a cape and cowl.


      4. You do realize that I had to go to the bank today. If I were to enter the bank with a black mask and cape, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't need to post any pictures on this site since all you would have to do is turn to Fox News and listen to the story about the crazy Miami man that got bum rushed and tazed in the lobby of the Chase building.

        On the bright side, I'll be wearing my "RPad.TV" shirt, so Mr. Padilla can get some free publicity as they haul my ass away to jail.


      5. You just described the strategy I've employed for months.

        My problem is that I move on too quickly and aren't all that determined.

        But that's awesome you finished it. I'd be lying if I said I thought you could.

    2. The curve isn't necessarily a curve. The score of 71 isn't a 71 percent necessarily but the algorithm takes into account the scores of everyone else who took the specific section on your test day or their predetermined period. So while you need to do well, you also have to do better than your peers. In addition to some of the questions being simply survey questions for future use, not all are weighted evenly. Psychometrics I believe this is called.

      My favorite though is that the questions can get progressively harder the better you do. So there is a good chance 30 ppl won't take the same test.

      I scored an 88 on FAR but have no idea if that means I did well or my peers did poorly.

  5. I should mention that I've also been reading the last three Dark Tower books since after I moved. I never read them previously, even though I'd bought them all the day they hit paperback. I'm about 120 pages into book VII now and hope to finish that up this weekend too.

      1. I didn't get as far as I would have liked, as I've only made it about another 150 pages. It's a big book, and while I'm usually a fast reader, there's just been a lot of other stuff going on.

    1. I've always put that series off for no good reason. I've read the first two books I think, and I liked them, but I never liked how I wasn't allowed to read them for my english classes in high school and never picked them back up while in college.

  6. If anyone is feeling like donating $400 to my "I need another game console" fund, it would be greatly appreciated.
    For now, I'm stickin with my guns (aka pc/laptop and PSP). I hope something comes out to tide me over until PS Vita arrives. How bout some Valkyria Chronicles III and FF Type-0?

    I'll end up vegging out on Minecraft again. Of course. Or maybe watch reruns of Zero Punctuation…

  7. You can always whore yourself out to 20 fat chicks for $20, or 8 really fat chicks for $50.

    What? Fat chicks need love, too… but they gotta pay.


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