What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Anyone playing anything patriotic for Fourth of July weekend? After battling comment system issues, I’m looking forward to getting back into Dungeon Siege III. Some hacking, slashing, and looting is just what the doctor ordered. And really, what’s more American than looting and violence?!? Oh wait, that’s more of a Canadian thing, as Vancouver Canucks fans recently showed. Ha! After that, I need to figure out what portable devices and games I’m going to bring to Hawaii. Wheels up on Monday!

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


28 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. Need to make an effort to really grind through some Dungeon Siege III since I'm reviewing it. Thing is, I'm not enjoying it, so I kinda have to force myself to do it.

      1. I'm finding the single player a bit more tolerable now that I've got a few more levels under my belt and a second character in the party. Before you get that second character it's just obnoxiously brutal if you walk around the wrong corner into a pile of enemies….at least with the character I'm using.

      2. Which character are you using? Anjali is really overpowered, but it's fun gaming the system with her. Gun Girl is tough in the beginning, but becomes pretty untouchable when you have a partner. Nerd Wizard has awesome area-of-effect attacks, but again is also much better with a partner. Sword Boy was just straightforward and a little boring.

      3. I'm using Katerina. I tend to prefer the "rogue" and she was the closest that there was I guess. I'm up to level 9 now and have Anjali in the party. I really wish the camera would pan to a lower plane since she employs a ranged attack. I'd like to be able to see enemies coming better and not be shooting so much stuff that was off the screen.

      4. Katerina is super cheap when she has someone to tank for her. I just powered up her rifle attacks and she was unbeatable. The camera does suck in general. It's bad for ranged attacks and boss figs.

      5. I'm discovering that. Also, if you get overwhelmed and taken down, it seems to require an act from a higher power for Anjali not to be able to save you.

  2. I plan on playing Fallout New Vegas. I say PLAN because the game freezes just so frequently. If that doesn't work out I am not playing any games.

  3. In honor of this Fourth of July weekend, I am going to do what every patriotic American would like to do: I'm going to raise some hell around the Washington D.C. wastelands with my combat shotgun, scoped magnum, and hunting rifle. I'm going to kill any mutant, ghoul, and giant cockroaches I come across. I will not stop until everything lays in ruins, smoldering in a fire at my feet, or I die.

    Also, I'm planning to play Fallout 3.


  4. I'm considering getting into HellGate or Titan Quest. I'm clamoring for an action type of coop rpg. Diablo 3 can't ocme fast enough.

  5. I'll probably play some black ops with bsu, if he gets a tv that works. I'll try to play other games. I just dl'd TMNT turtles in time before it wasnt available anymore so maybe that too.

  6. @rpad
    Yeah i'll try to remember that. The twitter login seemed so easy for me.

  7. @Big Blak

    Just started season 4 of Dexter; season 3 was pretty good, but Deb's searching for her dad's affair is already driving me crazy. I feel like Dexter's character is so well done, and then hers is just thrown together sometimes and not always as well done. I get her character needing to be driven, stubborn, etc.—but most times she is just ridiculously annoying!

    1. Dexter beyond season 3 should not be done. Seasons 4 and 5 were just bad. I didn't watch a few episodes because of how bad it got.


  8. I just saw transformers 3. What a piece of crap! I feel like Michael Bay shouldve paid me $22 to see that movie.

    1. Dude that's exactly how I felt about Avatar!!! I still feel like James Cameron should pay me back the $30 I paid for that movie (me, my fiance, and her friend). To bad Cameron and Bay are laughing their way to the bank with our money.

      1. I don't mind that movie, but I would have been better off just staying home and watching Pocahontas instead; would've been the same movie, but shorter.

      2. I agree with BSU that Avatar was also a movie i’ve felt ripped off as well. I’m really going to boycott his sequels unless someone really wants to go see them.

      1. A friend of mine was arguing that TF3 was good. It had a few surprises and the story was much better. I have yet to see it but I felt confident in maintaining how crappy Michael Bay is.

      2. @Smartguy

        At least he's consistent, haha.

        <img src="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/worst_case_scenario.png&quot; title="To get serious analyses of hurricanes and oil slicks, see Jeff Masters' blog. To get serious discussions of worst-case scenario thinking, see Bruce Schneier's blog. To get enough Vitamin D, don't read any blogs and go outside instead." alt="Worst-Case Scenario">

      3. @rpad
        Oh i already knew that tf3 was going to suck because it was a michael bay film and it’s a michael bay sequel but once again someone was really excited to see it so i couldnt let them down. I’m really looking to HP7 part 2 and capt america to make up for tf3.

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