Kevin Butler Hocks PlayStation Move…Like Only He Can

The fantastic Kevin Butler is back and this time around he’s selling Sony’s upcoming Playstation Move. To paraphrase Michael Cole (who still sucks), these commercials are “Vintage Butler!”. Check ’em out and let me know what you think (please).

Author: RPadTV

2 thoughts on “Kevin Butler Hocks PlayStation Move…Like Only He Can”

  1. I like them, but in the second commercial *SPOILER ALERT* I don't think they should have flipped the bowl of cheese puffs *END SPOILER ALERT*. Last thing I would want reassurance of if I was a parent buying this for my child is that my house would become messier because of this product and that things would be spilled because my son or daughter "had to spike the ball" or whatever other action you want to insert there.

    Loved the ending of the second one as well, very funny.

  2. lol shiatsu (misspelling for sure) massage, lol. my ps3 hasn't offered to do that. i like the second one the most i think.

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