250GB Xbox 360 Hard Drive Listed on GameStop for $129.99

Update: The listing has been removed. Thankfully I still had it opened in a window and captured an image. Ha!

GameStop has listed the standalone 250GB Xbox 360 hard drive for $129.99, shipping on March 23, 2010. A roughly comparable external hard drive on Amazon costs less than $60. While the proprietary enclosure adds to the price and Microsoft has always had a high markup on accessories, $130 seems a bit ridiculous.

Of course that’s just my opinion. I’m sure you have one of your own and I’d love to hear it! Is Microsoft’s 250GB hard drive overpriced?


Author: RPadTV


5 thoughts on “250GB Xbox 360 Hard Drive Listed on GameStop for $129.99”

  1. That's still ridiculously overpriced. I paid $99 for a 500gb HDD for my PS3 so how is paying $129 for a 250gb HDD a deal? I still don't see how so many people fall for these prices.

  2. @ Mr. Padilla;

    I think at this point it would be more amazing if you could find a gamer that thinks what Microsoft charges for the HDD is just fine. If the company was really consumer friendly, they would allow us to plug in our own hard drives (via USB) and let us store, run and save games and media files off of it through the console.


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